August Community Day infographic. Community Day was already known for months, but always good to see it being confirmed.
Edit: looks like I forgot to share the leaks on here, whoops. Might as well no longer bother because all of it has already turned out to be correct.
Water Shuriken should vastly improve Greninja’s performance.
According to PvPoke simulations, Greninja reaches Hydro Cannon 1 Mud Shot quicker than Swampert !!

Water Shuriken stats ?
PvPoke had included it from quite some time…
No all the current Season’s events were leaked in I believe it was April but apparently I had forgotten to share those. Riolu Hatch Day, Froakie CD, Poliwag CD, Mega Tyranitar, crabs event, all of it was known long before Niantic released the details.
Edit: here is a link I could quickly find if you are interested. Date is April 23rd.
2023 Pokémon World Championships Celebration in Pokémon GO! infographic.
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Looks like something right up @DeltaEmerald’s alley.
But the “reward for watching” isn’t much of a reward. (I wouldn’t expect anything like a Mega Mew encounter; but something between maximally useful and totally worthless might have been nice)
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Don’t worry, the code will probably be all across the internet throughout the livestream just like last time and, unless someone was faster, I’ll upload it in the promo code thread on here too just like last year. No watching will be necessary.
Thanks I’d rather watch paint peeling or grass growing.
Though GBL is my strength and I enjoy it too, but just like you, watching Live Stream is too boring…
Once I saw it for few minutes, and I was surprised that how much time they waste by providing the overview !!
So I will also do something else during that duration, and most probably I will be sleeping as all of the Niantic’s schedule are usually carried out after midnight according to my time !!

And thanks to @Jormdeworm providing the free in-game jersey to all of us.
And if...
I would have been participating in World Championship, then my team for that tournament would have been :

Noxious Swamp infographic.
Niantic, please don’t pimp them up this much, the maximum file size limit does not tolerate me to post this…
This event grabbed my interest. Some really good spawns there. Tier 3 Raids are interesting as well.
Making Tyrunt and Axew eligible for wild encounter in Noxious Swamps, whereas Goomy is not eligible shows their lack of interpretation of information !!

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Are you trying to tell me you don’t find dinosaurs in poisonous swamps everyday?
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Poisonous swamp is what killed the Dinosaurs if you believe one version of science.
I don’t find them even any day as well !!

Usually, Dratini, Skrelp and Goomy spawns are associated with marshes and swamps as per the MSG, therefore I was expecting Goomy as well.
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If chickens really are descended from T.Rex, I like furthering their extinction by eating them as eggs and as adult chickens. 
Pokémon GO Fest 2023 habitat spawns infographic. It’s just so funny to me how it took them to post this until after GO Fest 2023 for most regions and again screwed up. Shiny Fomantis is available and the Shellos are switched.
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It had another mistake. Unovan Stunfisk is not in the spawn pool, Galarian Stunfisk is. Make that three mistakes in one simple infographic that came way too late!
September Community Day Classic infographic. Totally not the third time we get a Charmander CD. At least this time around Charizard knows both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn.
Dig that 3x catch stardust. 
Sad that we aren’t getting the candy bonus….
That has helped me a lot in these past few Community Days.
Try to stock up on Pinaps before the event.