I’m a hard-core player of Pokemon n the new has ruined the game it was better before the update
I don’t agree at all I actually really love the new update. And I am also a hardcore player. Can I ask why you don’t like it?
I’m gonna give it some time but it is way too easy to take a gym down and it’s way to hard to earn coins because they are not turning over in my area people seem happy with 5 or so gyms held /blissey was kinda hard to beat before now I can knock a very high one down in no time machamp seems over powered at least c/dp I blast right threw hur now then mine hold gyms and no coins cause there is no turnover it seems like I should beg people not to feed mine in hopes of earning a few coins . I guess I’m usto the 70 too 100 coins a day (Bitter I guess) that’s why I’m gonna give it time , old way 3 days =2 incubators now 6 days =2 incubators I spend money not a ton but prob 20 $ month sometimes less if I just use my free incubator for 2k eggs ! I did like the raid but my joliton took out magic karp in like 40 sec by my self ! Just a rant from a broke Pokémon player I need coins !!!
We have other threads regarding the new gym system, please move the conversation there.