So Niantic is cutting off support for iOS 10. This also means older phones and tablets that can get no higher than iOS 10 can no longer play Pokemon go. This has meant I have lost my lowest level group member. My Group now stands as:
Level 36
Level 34(me)
Level 30
Level 29
Level 25
Level 22
And, this 6 is not enough to defeat legendary raid. Even if we all level up, groudon will be gone.
So we lost a level 21 player which was seemingly not a big deal. But it kicks us below the point where we can beat a weather boosted groudon. So that’s not possible now. I imagine kyogre will be more difficult to beat than groudon. The counters aren’t as good especially considering just 2 of us have zapdos and just one of us have powered it up. No raikou was ever caught. If articuno came back now, we could beat it in partly cloudy weather though. Let’s just hope for another legendary rotation to come back around and give us all another chance.