I’m still wondering what Niantic is going to do with Bluk & Wepear…
Bluk giving more dust seems obvious, Wepear…
And I hope you can make a Mon “lucky” without getting a new one
Lucky pokemon ! Just candy to power up. That’s amazingly good.
A lucky mewtwo would be good
Or a lucky ttar smack down stone edge would be good to!
Lol i actially have enough dust but a lucky 100iv low cp would be cool
My 100% IV Flygon will be the lucky one😁
He still has a lot of power ups to go, so why not?
I think this is really cool!
Well it’s confirmed. Lucky Pokemon will require 50% stardust to power up, not none. Still wayyy better though!
Do you have a link to the “confirmation”?
No. Just search Pokemon go hub, go on their Twitter, and like 2 tweets back they showed a picture
Wow! I see you changed your profile!
The article is updated now, I just saw that. It also confirms powering up Lucky Pokémon costs 50% less Stardust.
That’s a but disappointing but hopefully it means lucky Pokémon will be more common
Im not happy bout lucky Pokemon because after summer I’ll never trade anyone until maybe next summer
But silver pinap is sweet!
Silver pinap will have a better candy reward than normal pinap most likely. To think about it, Niantic did around the same thing last year with the golden razz.