Discuss what you got so far and your luck with the 7ks.
I need Kang so I will open @beales.com 's gift after finishing @coolguy761 's egg.
I need Kang so I will open @beales.com 's gift after finishing @coolguy761 's egg.
So going by your statement I’m assuming that I would need gifts from people from other countries in order to get regionals?
No, it shouldn’t matter where the egg is from, you get equal chance to get a regional. Although the first egg I incubated was from Australia and I hope it’s a Kangastahn.
Ok thanks, good to know, only need khan, so hopefully I’ll get him right away
@Ryan21, 7km eggs now have Alolan forms + Regionals + Tangela + Porygon. And it’s random to hatch regionals, not necessarily from that specific region. I need Khan and Mime, hopefully I’ll get both within this month.
Ok good to know. Still have a good chance to get khan, don’t really care about the other regionals
Why do you care khan more than other regionals? Mega evolve?
I have 2-3 of the other regionals, I have 0 of Khan
Yes, that is what it is .
Crap the chances are like a 1/25
Fingers crossed, hope we all get what we need to complete our Kanto dex within this month
Got the first egg, see the regulary rare spawns more frequently. AND raids that started before 5am
Besides the regionals I need a lot of candy for some like the Nido family, Dratini, rhyhorn and Ponyta.
Yeah I’m going to be searching for porygons and lickitungs like crazy, need more candies for gen 4
This event is Amazing
The more amazing part of this “Kanto” event compared to the one several months ago is that the rare gen 1 spawns do increase.
For who didn’t know: Shiny Geodude & Grimer are confirmed as the new shinies for the Kanto event. I have no idea about their Alolan forms.
Shiny Grimer looks like Alolan Grimer except Alolan Grimer has a yellow beard.
@MrHeineken88 I will be sure to send you a gift today so you can get a regional.
Make sure your egg slot is open .
My local Pokemon master hatched 9 eggs last night from gifts opened after 4. He got 6 Alolans, 2 Porygons, and 1 Regional. So didn’t expect a bunch of regionals. You will be lucky to get 1-2 of each this month.