I expect for every fast and charge move that a pokémon can currently learn be accessible in PvP matches only. This would probably make mew the best overall option.
Each pokémon must be unique. So you can’t use the same species in a single match.
Battles should be able to be performed anywhere and limited if you’re not at a gym.
There should be a collective max CP cap for all 6 pokémon per tier. The chart below is just a mock-up but you get the idea.
Tier Level
Tier Group
Collective CP Total
Tier 1
Babies, marrill, shuckle
3,000 CP
Tier 2
Starters, plusle, sudowoodo, butterfree
7,500 CP
Tier 3
Raichu, absol, jynx, bayleef
9,000 CP
Tier 4
Gengar, jolteon, poliwrath, scizor
20,000 CP
Tier 5
Machamp, entei, mewtwo, dragonite
30,000 CP
This chart is just to give an example based on TDO against a tier 5 raid boss. Pokémon names used are not fixed to each tier group.
This is why I’d prefer PvP to have us use defensive moves too. If I’m using my water moves slowking and someone brings in their venusaur I should be able to defend myself and switch to confusion and psychic or fire blast.
@ArtimusDragon, how do both trainers select the tier level? Do both trainers have to agree on certain tier before they select the respective CP pokemons?