Mini Rant: I hate Shadow Raids

They have completely ruined the raid pool. Ive been watching my local area so that I can get in some Giratina raids, but beceuse of how Niantic thinks it’s a smart idea to boost 5 star shadow raids on the weekend, it becomes even more difficult to see these raids appear.

I think a good solution would be to just have shadow raids outside of parks, malls and community centers. Let them appear at other gyms instead. This probably wouldn’t help the spamming, but at least they won’t take over the entire map.

I’d love to have more shadow raids where I’m at, but do you know what would I also love to have with so many shadow raids?!



LOL, exactly! Raiding as a whole in Go is stupid now. What should be convenient is now inaccessible. Dumbest business model ever.

Maybe I’m loosing something…
I’m running around in New York everyday, doing raids, shadow raids, Max. All this just for fullfilling investigations.
And? No problems around, Maybe because I’m completely ignoring which Pokémon is inside, I only want to win, and tomorrow is another day.

I can see where they are coming from. People here are mostly only really actively playing together during big events like the upcoming one. I have found outside of events most of the community here doesn’t really have a will to play. Not to mention I believe a big percentage of the local community here also got so exhausted by all the recent unwanted changes Niantic made they stopped playing entirely. So for me, only the soloable Shadow Raids are doable. I have battled maybe three of those ever since they released. I don’t feel anything for these Shadow Raids either, nor for Gigantamax. Niantic should find other ways, because our community isn’t going to come together to battle something that has no practical use, and I am honestly neither. Shadow Raids are at least worth it enough, but since I’m not a battler anyway I am also not interested enough in those.

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I would also like to have some, where I am there are not many.

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