Or if you have a high IV then i would go for it, it can have moves for every type so it can be a good counter
true very true
I would like u if i didnt already use my likes today
do you think that it is fair that it is 20km to get legendary candy
it should be like ten
It is slightly disappointing but I’m just glad to have caught Mew. I have plenty of rare candies so could easily make it 2000+ CP
well good for you
I finally finished my raid requirement yesterday and I’m working on the 50 Pokemon with a berry and Excellent Curve. I already ran out of red balls trying to do curve without any luck yet. I’m probably going to have to get my son to do it for me. At least I’m 26 out of 50 for other requirement currently.
Pro tip: do the excellent on a raid boss, Machamp and TTar are perfect for it, Latias shouldnt be impossible either
And you can try a Nosepass
As for the 50 berried Mons, I suggest you use non-razz berries and throw straight without any bonus, so that you get a lot of throws on a few Mons
I got like last 7 on a single Roselia
Or do legend raids
A tip:
Spheal and Tauros are good for getting excellents with but I haven’t seen any lately. I usually get an excellent curve during raids by accident but not Latios! I’m currently 2-10 on catching him. Still better than Caps Vs. Pens in playoffs though!
Did you check the IV ON your Mew. It’s much more important than the CP. also yes, Mew really is more for a Collector finish9ng the Pokédex! So jus be happy you Have it.
Why do you judge based on CP? Lots of pokemon have low CP caps because the rest of their stats are hella balanced. I personally just have Mew as my perpetual buddy so we can see the world together. He doesnt need to fight. Mew doesnt like to battle (er’body know dat, gadam boa) If you want to battle with a Mew, Use Mewtwo or Ditto, its ugly clones. Or use Mew anyway because it is actually great in battle
I judge off CP cause thats how PokemonGo was made to be judged by. High CP is the full gratitude of leveling up a Pokemon. I have my Mew has a buddy. i only use Mewtwo and Tyranitar and Dragonites and Salamence.
To each their own. If Mew cp was higher i was surely swap it for a Mewtwo.
You use Sala what
By that logic you should use an army of Slaking… That might dissapoint a bit tough.
You might not be able to judge every pokemon exactly on their stats, but you can see when you have a 15-15-15 IV pokemon via appraising. So you really should look at stats instead of just CP.
Slaking is okay for gym but i only have 1 and dont use him to atk gyms obviously.