Lets talk - (anything)

Doesn’t seem too hard

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But seems to value the energy to do it? For one radar? The first two gives the third automatically, so the rewards have to compensate at least the cures your Pokemon need after the fights. Do they???

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Pretty automatically, anyway. I think I whiffed on the shadow catch once when my attention was divided.


Can’t find azumarill. Does anyone know if azumarill is available by quest?

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By 3-star-raid


“Catch 15 exeggcute” Event Task gives Azumarill :+1:… if you can find one.


Have multiples at home of that today. Thanks for the help everyone!


Friends list expanded! :handshake:


Good news. Although if we are able to have twice as many friends, it will take twice as many days to cycle through the list for gifting. And slow down the progression to best friend status a bit.

I wish we could re-sort the friend list to whoever we haven’t given gifts to most recently on top. I usually open gifts when I have space for eggs, but I’m not walking around as much right now so I don’t have space, so I would leave gifts unopened. By the time I have eggs hatched, I don’t remember who’s gifts I haven’t opened recently.

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Yeah, if that “last activity” text in the friends list actually conveyed some useful information. Like a date/time stamp for the last time I opened one of their gifts or sent them a gift, or the last time they opened one of my gifts or sent me a gift…

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Another good news is that with last update the bring some asynchronous coding to sending. Now you can send the gift without waiting for the picture and the buddy icon to finish loading. Also scrolling the list does not stop to update the icons. Finally… it was so annoying…


And last night that was a drama. Constantly getting errors. Not removing the gift logo on the list after having send a gift. Only after a gift was send to an other it was helping to get it gone…

You know those warnings we hastily click past when the game fires up…

…well, yesterday evening I did the first one to get social distance from some folk coming towards me without realising I was about to encounter the second.

I stepped on to the road - only to stumble on the edge where a large pothole had been created by the constant traffic of lorries and tractors that pass through my village. I fell head first onto the rough tarmac and my phones skittered across the gravel.

Long story short - I have severely bruised ribs, knocks to the ankle and hip, grazed shins and hands, and pains in my neck and lower back. Not to mention a hole in the knee of my trousers.

The phones, amazingly, were unharmed! So I can carry on playing at home. But I won’t be able to go searching for new ‘mons, or raids, or clock up any kms towards shiny Mew.

I’m not sure what the moral is, because I’m sure once my injuries have healed I’ll be straight back out there. :upside_down_face:


Thank you for the reminder for us to exercise caution when moving about in the play of this game. And thank goodness you weren’t more badly hurt. I hope your mending is swift and complete.


At least your phone is okay.


@vorgriff3 @bobbyjack8 :grinning::+1:

There is a postscript to this story…
Whilst I had my feet up resting my aching body and bruised ego - Mrs celery kindly offered to take my phone with her on the usual walk this evening.

She came back not only with a Clauncher and a Skrelp she’d caught for me, but with some startling news… the very pothole I fell in yesterday has been filled and newly tarmacked by road repairers today!

If only I had avoided it for one more day… I would never have been injured :face_with_head_bandage: ho hum…


At least you’re doing (relatively) fine, and that is the most important part of the story. I hope you’ll recover fast


That all sounds quite painful. Get well soon!

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You said you fell head first into the rough tarmac, did you feel dizzy afterwards? Any concussion symptoms?

Hope you will recover soon and go back out to play as before.