Let's Share your Experience

Hello everyone,

Let’s share your experience with the Go Hub community. That’s ok if you are a newcomer to this community or a long-time user. Share your experience with what you learn and hear, and what type of discussion you participate in in this community.

If anyone shares any other feature of this website, let’s start.I hope you enjoy this discussion journal.I will be very grateful to everyone for sharing their experience.

I hope this connection with these community members will lead to powerful collaboration and mutual help to create a successful community.

I hope you realize this is a Pokémon GO forum and not for cyber security.

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Also periods don’t actually act as a period and then a space.

Remembers that there is secret feature on forums, which works as soon as anyone presses the Heart icon.

Advises to push that heart icon for all the replies in the topic to know what actually the secret is involved underneath it.

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