Less items from Pokestops?

Hey guys, first time poster here. I’m a UK player new to the game, started playing 3 months ago.

Having a blast with PoGo but I’ve noticed in the last couple days the items I’m getting from spinning stops seems to have taken a sharp nosedive. Items have been a complete non-issue for me since I began playing, but now I’m having to restrict myself to the most Pokestop-dense area in town just to stay afloat. Prior to that I was dumping Pokeballs in the hundreds, and even with nonstop fast-catching for hours on end I was able to come away with a huge surplus for the week. Even my battle items are dwindling. I seem to be limited to 3 items per stop, excluding gifts, but others say that’s more in line with where it should be. Have I been getting bonus items as a new player and not known about it?

I recently took my storage from 3000 to the 6300 limit, which may seem excessive but each to their own. I know that giving out plenty of items is a strategy to get you to upgrade storage, and my inner conspiracy theorist says they’re throttling my items now that I can’t upgrade any further and there’s no reason to give me so many. I realise how ridiculous that sounds but I’m at a loss for an answer.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I haven’t seen any official announcements about this but Niantic isn’t always very communicative with their decisions. This is more of a side note, but I recently discovered just how powerful opening gifts can be if your looking for Red or Great Balls, so you could try that if you need more items.

I’ve taken a look in my Journal, and these are the last giftnumbers received:
4 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 4

Thanks for the response. I’m opening the maximum number of gifts available each day, which is certainly helping out. When it comes to the stops I’m usually gaining balls far quicker than I can use them even with fast catching. I wish I had some pictures of my journal from a few days ago to back this up with some figures.

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Hey bagguille, is this including gifts in your Pokestop spins? I was full up on gifts at the time I checked my journal figures, so excluding those I was seeing basically 3 for every stop. I’m being told that’s the standard amount but I’ve certainly been receiving more than that up until recently.

Yes, that’s from the stops today (no Gym included).

I’ve noticed a decline in the drop of revives over the last 3-4 weeks. Was trashing 30-40 a week regularly but lately I’ve been dropping more and more below my 150 threshold.