I wish International Raiding, just like International Trading would be possible…
Even if it could only be done once a month, where for example Best Friends or Lucky Friends with each other, like Player A is Lucky Friend with Player B and Player B is also Lucky Friend with Player C and so on… Could also be maximum of 10 or even just 5 Players and could do it in a time limited or turn limited scheme…
Because, what are friends for, if they could not do things they love to do… and PoGo being a virtual game should not always be tied in the physical world… Why? Since there are thousands of mobile and other games that compete with PoGo and not giving PoGo players enough reasons to be able to do what “could be possible” is like saying “PoGo is only for those who want to play the game as is as what the developer are wanting to give” and not what players should enjoy.