Actually, I am using Calcy IV app to check my Pokés IV’s, but I am feeling that Calcy IV got very heavy lately for my Samsung S7…
Which “legal” IV calculator you guys use? I am searching for a new one, and the only option I know is Poke Genie.
Actually, I am using Calcy IV app to check my Pokés IV’s, but I am feeling that Calcy IV got very heavy lately for my Samsung S7…
Which “legal” IV calculator you guys use? I am searching for a new one, and the only option I know is Poke Genie.
Poke Genie is what I use.
Same here. I have both. Calcy IV can tell what you need to turn a gym gold and that is the only reason I use that.
Do you “feel” that Poke Genie runs smoothier than Calcy IV or they runs the same?
I have a hi end cellphone. I don’t feel a have load with both. But I like the design and mechanics of PokeGenie more than the other one.
Calcy seems to be the fastest for me, but it doesnt look even nearly as good as Genie and is a lot harder to navigate through
Checking before catching is great on Calcy tho
Calcy IV is the best one out there. Even if it feels like its running heavy, still worth it.
I my Calcy IV.
I turned from the online calculators mentioned by @Brobraam and @Arem1771 to ‘screen scrapers’ (Poke Genie and Calcy IV) when I got tired of entering the numbers (CP, stardust-to-power-up, etc) by hand all the time. Sometimes the screen scrapers require you to enter information by hand, too, though.
As for the phone bogging down from the screen scraper, it seems to be due more to the age and relative horsepower of the phone than the tool. I use Poke Genie because its interface seems more intuitive to me and I like the layout of its results better.