Is interaction radius larger in Japan?

Hi all, I just made an account. I tried to find this topic but can’t find it. Hopefully someone can explain to me.
I’m traveling a lot and I play Pokémon go since the beginning. This is actually from last year. I just remembered about it again last night.
So last year I was in Japan for a few days. While I was playing Pokemon Go I realised that the interaction radius is abnormally large. It almost as wide as my phone’s screen. I never really pay attention about it usually and it’s my last day in Japan so I don’t know if it’s only for that day or not. That night I went to Indonesia for transit and saw that the circle is nowhere as big as the one in Japan. Is this normal? How wide is your interaction radius compared to your screen?

I will provide the screenshot I took in Japan. I can only attach 1 image as I’m a new user

Niantic messed up the spawn radius some time ago, and did make it abnormally large. I assume that happened when you were in Japan, but the radius was increased world wide. Sadly they fixed it after a few days.


That’s the real case… and another is that Niantic will/could mess up everything again in any moment.

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Oh I see, so it’s just a temporary thing. It’s been on my mind for some time. I went to Indonesia that night and found out it’s a lot smaller there.
I guess they fixed it while I was on the plane :sweat_smile:

Thanks for explaining!

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