(I realize this isn’t the PoGO help desk. But on the chance that someone in our forum has encountered this already …)
About a year ago I spent a few months getting a shiny Aron to Best Buddy status, and saw it start finding Candy XL most of the time it found regular Candy.
I recently switched back to that Aron, to have a shorter buddy-candy distance when I got several buddy-candy field research tasks. I did the same with a Gyarados. I’ve treated both the same as before, and after a couple of weeks the Gyarados started occasionally getting the Candy XL. But even after a month the Aron is not getting any Candy XL.
Are those candies only going to evolved buddies now? Or is there some other arbitrary and arcane restriction that makes one Best Buddy able to get the XL but not the other Best Buddy?
I’m mystified at this point, and seeking insight (or even just clues).
No answer from here, but data. I’m running around now a time with Larvesta to get the 400 candies, and it’s still far away from being best buddy. But I have now 188 candies and 40 XL candies. So, it’s something like 22%, not so bad.
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Can’t say I’ve noticed a decline.
If you want the best results for walking for Candy XL, use a Level 40 buddy.
Just out of context,
but not all top players like you have huge amounts of rare candies ? So why not use them to get 400 candies at once, and afterwards go for XL ?
Also, do Volcarona have same 1km walk distance like Gyarados and Altaria ?
Maybe you have not seen what happened. In march Niantic has blocked completely my main account. There I had a lot of everything, but now I have to play with secondary accounts, where I have for example 36 rare candies. So, the only reasonable way is getting them by walking or hatching more Larvesta. In this moments I have hatched 4 of them, and the walking distance for 1 candy is 5 km… so, it’s a long way to Tipperarieee

Too bad. I don’t know why Niantic keep doing these things…
I had lately seen so many people complaining about account ban on Reddit, even for good players.
No real problem. I was advised before and so I prepared a personal Pokedex, based on screenshots of all Pokémon I had caught. This Database has now 4500 entries, the only problem is the control during play if a Pokémon is valuable for this Pokedex or not.
Sounds like a great time to come down with a bad case of GPS drift. A trainer who paces around like a Keystone Cop on speed can ‘find’ a bunch of buddy candy more quickly. Especially helpful for maxing out a Mewtwo or three.
To be accepted by the app the velocity has to be lower than 10 km/h. Faster and it doesn’t give candies.
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I had heard some pro players use Defit App for manipulating the adventure sync.
But it has no real use for me, as most Pokemon in egg pool are not of my use. Only goods which I got were : Perrserker, Stunfisk-G, Rapidash-G and some other viable one.
Sometimes the principal usefulness for me comes from completing research tasks (like finding a given number of candies with buddy, or hatching a number of eggs, or even just walking a number of kilometers). Not so much from the particular mons that might hatch in the process…