In game ads

The new in game ads have ruined the experience for me. right now it’s balloons, it’s only a few seconds but i know that this is only the beginning. they will eventually make you pay for a premium account to go ad free. mark my words, it’s only a year away. greed kills fun.

Mmmh, screenshot? I haven’t seen any of this.

Haven’t seen any ads ever (in the form of not an official partnership or sponsored gym/stop)… let me guess, not an iPhone?

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I’m not seeing any ads on either iOS or Fandriod :man_shrugging:t2:


I know. I haven’t seen any of them, yet, though.

The game calls these balloons “gifts” and asks if we want to open them when we click on them. I’ve seen about a dozen of them over the course of about three weeks. I think all of them so far have been either for KFC or for the National Park System.

The first ads, though, were the Pokéstops for corporate sponsorships like Sprint and Starbucks. A gift sent to a friend from one of those would show the corporate logo or other graphic when the friend opens it. And those Pokéstops later started featuring a little rectangle on their poles (I guess for a logo or name, though those have all been blank for me so far).


That may be the explanation. I’ve never seen them, here are no sponsored Pokestops.

Friend me and I’ll send you a Starbucks gift. :smiley:

(if you want to try it, direct message you friend code to me and I’ll get it started, or ask me for my code, etc)

Never seen those…