IDEA: Update raids & trading

I think routes will be fine once the bugs are all sorted and once there’s more help in reviewing them post-Niantic lay offs. But for now I’d really like for Niantic to work on expanding on features like raids and trading. Trading is a huge part of the game for me and it’s been neglected for over 5yrs now. Remember when it was introduced? Everyone minus our rural friends were hype. And as you know, that hype has gone away since then. Everyone still loves trading, but why hasn’t there been any permenant changes since its release in 2018? And no offense, to Mr. Steranka who is just echoing what was told to him by his bosses, but this statement was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

Expanding on trading on a global level with certain restrictions is the way. Trading as it is has just opened the doors to even more TOS breaking and has produced unsafe means of trading that involve the selling of Pokémon on 3rd party sites like Ebay. If Niantic execs would just wake up and understand their playerbase, I mean really understand them, they’d see how incredible this feature could be with some much needed improvements to everyone including their brand. No Singaporean Grandma is going to travel the world to trade with 40 Lucky Friends for a 12/12/15 Shiny, Lucky Pokémon and I’m willing to bet most of us will never meet most of our international friends. Sad.

Raiding was amazing. Raids brought so many players back to the game, new communities were formed, raid challenges were actual content, Stardust became as important as breathing. People acthally left their homes if someone spotted a local raid. Then something even more amazing happened. We were able to raid remotely, and it allowed even more people to participate thanks to our amazing online community. This is how raiding should’ve always been but with some restrictions so that we have a healthy balance for the IRL and online experience. Accessible to everyone in a fair manner.

My final thoughts, I love routes. I think it’s a fantastic idea with a lot of potential once fixed. But movIng forward, I’d really love for Niantic to just focus on what we have now and just improving on them for the everyday player instead of locking everything behind an endless sea of lackluster events. Little things such as boosting raids at parks and shorten the egg timer would be so beneficial. Allowing friends to remote trade with restrictions encourage even more interactions than ever before. It wouldn’t hurt to beta test it is all I’m saying. GGs.

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Friendship level should be decisive factor. All best friends should be able to trade irrespective of their distance. This will at least improve the benefit of reaching the best friends level. Only getting extra premier balls, and one time 100,000 XP is not much worth.

Raids are amazing not because of the gameplay mechanics, but they are because of the post-raid rewards. Niantic provides lots rewards to player when they finish higher tier raids.

The same could have been done to Go Battle League as well, where more skill and time is required, but no rewards are provided.

I don’t like it personally. Its just another shenanigan from Niantic, which is bound to be treated like Pokestops and Gyms .

They are yet to provide many people with those Pokestops and Gyms, but are trying to become too much ambitious by introducing routes. They should to provide the optimal user experience from the available resources first, then try to think for these boring features.

I don’t like raiding. It makes me speechless that they are the only way to get legendary Pokemon and Mega Energies. There should have been alternative ways to achieve them.

Raiding itself is boring. More than Pokemon skills, people need more participants, if they fulfill the conditions then they are happy.

Actually having events are much better than anything else. But Niantic is messing this with their fallacy in their ideology.


Presently, Niantic is doing following things which are speeding up the game for people :

  • Providing too much XP after winning higher tier raids.
  • Bringing new Pokemon regularly, and that too being provided to people without efforts if they are willing to buy.
  • Keeping unnecessary level up tasks for players beyond level 40.
  • Deviating too much from the principles which were introduced by The Pokemon Company.
  • Not improving older Pokemons, rather bringing new one with improvised usage.

Trading can be improvised with ease by enabling GTS. It was available in MSG from very long time, still Niantic has no hopes regarding it. They need to understand that there are many people who are not interested in exploring the old areas again and again.

Totally agree that you should be able to trade whenever with your bestie, but I don’t want it limited to just that. And for someone who PVPs regularly, being able to trade with new friends from far away would be a game changer. So long as they fairly balance it, of course.

I generally don’t care for raiding either. Despite how we feel, they’re an important part of the game for many reasons. I just wish Niantic made them better, faster. Why do we have to wait in the lobby for 2min still? Why do we have to use raid passes and money on garbage raid bosses that have zero value? Said it before and I’ll say it again. Low interest raids should be F2P.

I can see why you don’t like routes as they are currently. But you’re getting bonuses for stuff you’re already doing like an increased chance to maximize your buddy. The feature is great. Niantic’s execution is dog water, as it always is.

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I believe that just like they provide one free raid pass daily by spinning any Gym, likewise they also provide 1 daily free remote raid pass. This will at least keep the balance between both in-person and remote participation.

Another thing is people’s FOMO. Many players want to grab their hands on every new Pokemon whenever they are released, and in due course they use up their money :wink: :wink: :wink:.
But if we wait, we are bound to get those Pokemon, sooner or later !!

Routes are still not here. Neither is their Campfire integration.

And all the lore and attraction for routes is Zygarde. Take him out, and you will see that people will avoid the routes. Since Zygarde can be obtained only one time, hence it is for sure that getting cells for changing his forme will be highly RNG based, until some ticketed event, when Niantic will distribute “Shiny” Zygarde for money !!

Well said :clap:, the ideas could be awesome, but its the execution and niantics part that is worrisome. I would love the GTS system, with almost 20 lucky friends right now, and im not likely going to be traveling to spain or germany any time soon to Maybe see that person, not to mention you dont know them at all… *sigh would be nice

Does anyone remember when you could get a weekly free remote raid pass for 1 pokécoin like a year and a half ago? I thought that was at least a remotely reasonable feature.

In terms of the routes, i dont think I’ll even try. I was trying to do a river walk route last night, but wasted 15 minutes trying to continue it. I could start, but within five seconds I’d get an error about an unstable location, cmon man its not like i was bouncing from places my character was standing right at the start!

Again, the ideas that have been shared i think have great potential, its how Niantic will change it that makes me skeptical.

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