Hello @Johntrom

Welcome to the community !!
I am a regular PvP player, who plays in every format except Master League.
This is pretty much common in Master League, where entire theme is based around Dialga, his supports, and his counters.
I am slightly not in favor of this !

As my playstyle is based around favoritism, hence I tend to use those Pokemon continuously even if they are not performing better.
The problem with this will be :

So instead, I prefer diversifying the entire game. Except some exclusive moves, majority of moves are available to many Pokemon if they bear the same type, or they learn them as an alternate way. But in Pokemon GO, many good moves are only reserved to certain Pokemon which Niantic likes, and they try to protect the prowess of those Pokemon, like Registeel.
I want to give you couple of examples of moveset of only one Pokemon, but with different playstyle. This experience is based on competitive battles in MSG style.
Consider the case of Gardevoir.
Idea One :
Taking the benefit of STAB, one can go with :
Mystical Fire
Calm Mind
This moveset allows Gardevoir to the advantage of her STAB moves, with Mystical Fire providing some counter coverage. Calm mind helps boosting her Sp.A even further.
- Idea 2 :
Coverage + Counter Coverage , which provides greater flexibility.
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
This moveset allows Gardevoir to blast past the tanks like Registeel with ease, since Gardevoir easily outspeeds Registeel, and also possesses high Sp.A, so Focus Blast will most probably be OHKO.
Now you see how diverse one can make a Pokemon for battles. This entire point is missing in Pokemon GO. As Niantic is only considering attack, defense and HP as parameters for stats, because of which many Pokemon who have potential play with different style miss out, and Pokemon who have above average defense and HP become too good.
This is my idea. We should be able to teach any viable moves to our Pokemon which is possible in MSG as well.
And the biggest trouble for this is the idea of Fast moves. I believe every fast moves should provide different style of play for a Pokemon. Many good moves like Zen Headbutt are made terrible, whereas many average moves like mud shot are too good.
Another idea which I wish is that XL candies should be banned in PvP. This easily gives the high level players an upper hand against majority of players.
Legendary encounter rate after rank 20 and beyond should be increased drastically. What’s the point in playing that much far if we are not able to get them, considering the time which we invest in battles.
In MSG, we raise our Pokemon level by training them in battles, but here, its all about catching same Pokemon again and again, do unnecessary grinding by walking with your buddy.
But everything which I told above are just speculations and wishes, and we cannot make them happen, unless I am the lead developer of the game.

So presently what I do is :
- Make a team having overall balanced typing.
- Look for Pokemon, and their moves. Everyone will say that Furfrou is not good in PvP, but with him, I had defeated Swampert and Talonflame teams. That’s why availability of varied moveset helps.
- Try not to follow the crowd’s ideas and principles. For example, I use my Giratina-A in Ultra league with Shadow Force, rather than the recommended Shadow Sneak. And with the former one, almost every time, all high level opponents are caught off guard !
- Not too much believe in the PvP articles, and PvPoke’s ranking. Though they are certainly good, but all those are based on ideal scenarios, not on the real matches. So certainly we have the freedom to deviate from that analogy.
- Trying the teams again and again. This is most important. I am not a player who has access to communities, friends and Pokestops/Gyms, as I lack all of these. Despite that I manage to fare well in GBL quite enough by crossing at least Ace Rank every time. This is because of the fact that I tried numerous teams, before getting few good teams for battles.
- We cannot bring the change, but can adapt to the mechanics. There are few mechanics in the game about which many newcomers might not be aware of. If you need to know, I can tell them !
This is my point of view, hope no one felt offended by my response.