How was Your Community day

Great C-Day. Walked with @Autofan1985 and actually exceeded his amount of shinies after 1,5 hours. I wasn’t able to play the first hour


I was out and about catching airsoft BB’s (and dishing out quite a few good shots myself :slight_smile: ) in France so not much community day for me. 2 spawn points at the fort i was at so only caught 4, no shinies. I reserved 1 from a friend who caught 9 in 1 hour so ill trade it one of those days.

18 shinies, had a hundo from a hatch waiting and got a lucky hundo from trades with the Mrs. no good IV shinies but I’m okay with that :grin:


Pretty dang good.

2 hundos (one Turtwig and one Cacnea)
6 Shinies
180,000 Stardust earned


First, screenshots.

Some good IV Turtwig that I didn’t have enough candy to evolve, 2 shadow Turtwig and my highest CP Turtwig

My highest IV Torterra

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It was one of the best CDs! Everything was right. The weather was sunny, the spawn rate was good. I found 7 shinies and evolved 6 Torterra (1 shiny + 5 regular). I even had enough candy for 2 Grotle (shiny and regular). I got tons of stardust. I found shinies in the first hour so I didn’t have to worry and it was a relaxed CD. I did 2 Team Go Rocket battles that gave me Turtwig (but not all of them had Turtwig as a reward). I tried to get 2km eggs with Turtwig, but I got one 5km and one 10km egg. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of good IV and high CP Turtwig that I was able to find. All in all, a very successful and satisfying CD.


And to finish it off, I get an unrelated Shiny. XD

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All Turtwig are weather boosted, 9 shiny and one of them is level 35, and 1 shiny Bulbasaur, about 250k dust gained, great CD!

Yeah, I got stuck with 8 the while hearing ‘shiny’ next to me the whole time. :joy: Around 10 minutes before the end I found a 9th shiny and that was my final result.


My area seems to be forgotten by shinies… Turtwig everywhere, just can’t do 20m without appearing another two or three, but only 1 shiny whithin this amounts.


I forgot to keep track of anything this time (stardust, catches,… you name it), but it was one of the better community days for me personally.
I left our lured up park after two hours of playing and had 6 shiny and 3 shadow Turtwig. None of them really great, but ok.
I headed home and placed a lure at my rather new home Pokéstop (I have seen it lured up by several others already, so it seems, I’m no the only one taking advantage of it…), caught what I got from there and emptied my quest encounter stack for even more stardust. The lure gave me another shiny which brings me up to 7.
We had 3 hours of weather boost as well, which gave me quite some high level Turtwig. I wasn’t able to trade any of these but I’ll be doing this in the near furture, so maybe I can get a lucky one for evolving on the end-of-year CD… If it comes as expected.


I didn’t do it because I’d rather watch football. So I just caught the few that came in my living room.


Got roughy 45min of actual play time in that 3hrs.
20min manual catching while waiting in the Drs waiting room and the other 25mins of Go Plus catching when driving slow enough in the car driving around running errands that could not be deferred.
Funnily I got 2 Shiny which is not much less than what I get when I spend the whole 3hrs camped on my usual 3 lured up stops :roll_eyes:

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So far this week every regional that I’ve had hatch from a 7 km egg has been Kangaskhan, except for one Mr.Mime – and NONE of them shiny.

I’ve found myself uttering your GoHub name the last 3 hatches… “Argh, not another Kangaskhan!”

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May the shiny odds be ever in your favour

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I hope so because walking is still a heavy task. I’ve been out the door every day…

Normally it is at least double, even in a wet and windy week.

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I stuffed up with the dates planing a family day at the Safari Park today thinking CD was tomorrow.
Was in transit there for the first 3/4 of an hour then ran the Go Plus for the remainder of the time while walking around. 45 caught with 1 Shiny and no keeper IV. Caught nearly as many non CD Pokémon. Low spawn rate for this one by the looks.

Pff seriously low spawn numbers over here…

Pretty sure I’ll have 50 before CD is done.


Low spawn and no shiny here…