I got 5 in 1 hour 30 min including first one I know someone who got 8 in same time and 4 after
I was dressed up as Ash lol
I had only 2 hours time today. I did catch 1 shiny out of 52. Very bad IV though, so I didn’t evolve it. I did evolve 2 charmanders (90+IV) so they would have blast burn.
I evolved one shiny and one 90% Charmander so I have both.
Seen 44, caught 43, 2 of wich were shiny.
Considering i was at work with no stops in sight or place to walk to, im not at all dissapointed with that result.
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0 voters
How many shiny Charmander have you captured today?
- <1/50
- 1/50-1/25
- 1/25-1/6
- 1/6-1/3
- 1/3-1/4
- 1/4-1/2
- 1/2-3/4
- <3/4
0 voters
What was your Shiny Charmander rate today
I’m just short of evolving 93 put assets buddy
At first it was 1/1 to me lol
Also with the Dratini CD tho.
THOSE ARE THE TWO pokemon I have been walking for forever to get their evolutions.
??? I got 108 Lileep candy in 1 day or so (ok, I’ve pinapped them all) And my first Anorith and first Armaldo were also on the same day.
Where I live they are sooooooooo rare and no one has them.
I have Rock + Normal invasion everywhere where I come lol.
So technically partly cloudy weather? I have no idea I do not live in Europe.
Yes, partly cloudy as always.
They are, but not often.
By the weather?
Or just boosted because they are the community day pokemon?