As my trainer gets closer to level 40, I’m thinking more about starting over. I’d like to start the process before I reach the end of the current one, just in case the tedium of the lower levels causes me to change my mind.
So I went into settings, chose ‘sign off’, and tried to create a new account to use a backup account I have on google. The pokemon go sign in with google shows me two choices: (1) the account I’ve been using (that’s nearing the end of the journey), and (2) “add account”. When I choose the latter, it brings up a screen asking for a password or fingerprint to ‘verify identity’, even though I haven’t specified an identity to be verified yet. I tried to enter the password for the google account I plan to use, and that fails (“try again”). I tried to enter my CURRENT account’s password to verify my identity, and even that failed. I see no indication of what identity it’s trying to verify, nor do I see any ‘help’ options.
This leaves me out of ideas. Is there anybody here who recognizes this problem and is willing to share the solution?
Perhaps restarting your phone works?
Thanks for the idea. No change, though.
In my phone the problem was, that there is an “order” of using google-accounts in the phone… with other words 1.
PoGo accesses the first, and doesn’t give you a chance to choose. I have not tried it out, but maybe a posibility would be to take away the other account (a), so Pogo takes (b).
I was more careful, and at the end I’ve given the account access via Facebook. So now one is in Google and the other in Facebook. This way they don’t fight each other.
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That approach (but using a PTC login for the second one) worked. It should be able to grok multiple google identities; but at least a workaround is viable. Thanks!
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Have you tried logging out of the main Google account on your phone first? Try sign into your secondary account through Google (or gmail) and then when you have signed out of Pokemon Go it should give you the option to choose your current Google account which should be the secondary one.
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My phone has a number, not an email…
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