It’s time for a topic about this guys. So I called my Purified Hundo Weedle “almost a Shundo” - Shadow and Hundo - not really knowing what other name I could give it, and a whole conversation started so I’m moving that to here, so the “How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?” topic stays on topic.
Well whatever lol. I’ll call it a Shando then.
Would you mind explaining that to people who haven’t the foggiest idea of what you mean (like me)?
“shundo” shiny+hundo (a shiny 100% iv pokemon)
“shando” shadow+hundo (a shadow 100% iv pokemon)
aklthough shundo’s are more talked about, and that unofficial term has been there logner than shadow hundo’s , shadow hundo’s could also be contracted to shundo. But then the term is no longer unique to one state of the pokemon. that’s why i came up wiht the term “shando”
Thank you very much.
what about:
- shadow+shiny+hundo
- purified+hundo
- purified+hundo+shiny
- purified+hundo+lucky
- purified+hundo+shiny+lucky
I give up there. I’m just going to call it a Lucky Hundo Purified Shiny Alolan Rattata if that is ever going to happen (for me). Would love to have one😂.
I’ve never gotten a shundo, but I do have:
1 shandowary
A few hundified
And loads of hunky
What’s that - Hundo Stunky?
Hundo is the basis for everything.
- shiny+hundo=shundo
- lucky+hundo=lundo
- shadow+hundo=shando
- purified+hundo=pundo
- shiny+lucky+hundo=shlundo
- shadow+shiny+hundo=shashundo
- purified+lucky+hundo=pulundo
- purified+shiny+hundo=pushundo
- purified+shiny+lucky+hundo=pushlundo
I like “hundified”