How do you name your Pokémon? In Pokémon GO

How do you name your Pokémon in Pokémon Go share your nicknames, I use Poke genie it’s a really good app for nicknaming your Pokémons by their IV’s and much more


For me the most important parts of the nickname are:
Level, IV, Atk, Def, Sta, and Gender.
All this, because in the Pokémonlist in the app I need this Nicknames to delete rapidly the worthless.
Would love to add as well the Pokedex-Number. I really don’t understand why Nianshit don’t add this number on screen. If you take a look to the list without this number, you don’t notice if there are still holes in the collection.

I use a few different formats to seperate certain things to make searching easier for me.
Examples below.

Move Set- IV - attack stat

Perfect 15 15 15 stats - Move Set

Battle League - Battle League IV - Move Set

As an enthusiastic amateur milliner :tophat: I like to incorporate the names of different types of headgear into my nicknames.

Some examples are listed below:

et cetera, et cetera


And you are the one who takes more time to catch the Pokémon in an unusual and interesting pose… :clap: :clap: :clap:

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That kid @celery is kinda crazy, but on this occasion he has the right idea - just the wrong subject matter.

He would be much better off naming his Pokémon after different countries around the world, like wot I do…

Here, look :eyes:


I strongly disagree with both @celery and @celery !
Clearly the best way to nickname your Pokémon is to name them after your favourite bands and singers!




If I tried to find clever names I’d probably wind up spending all my time on that and never actually playing the game any more.

But I do have a small maxed-out group with QUICK first charge moves, for burning foes’ shields, named after champion boxers who were known for their quickness. Sugar Ray, Sweetpea, and Boom Boom.


Wow all of those @celery people are spectacular. All equally awesome! I can’t think of a Coldplay Pokémon…

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@Liono1001 MissingNo.body said it was easy to think of a Pokemon for Coldplay. :wink:

It was something I was pondering, but gave up.

The best I could think of was “TheHardestParticuno” - but that’s just a song title and I needed things to mention the singer or band :man_shrugging:t2:.

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You missed an opportunity for Sugar Rayquaza.

Yup, that would fit your naming convention perfectly.

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