Heart Breaking Moments while playing Pokemon Go

just curious - what does the spade icon mean in your naming convention? ^^

Oh, Spades is my pokedex entry evolution icon. I use a clover icon for good IV Pokémon I already have but can evolve, and % for bad IV filler evos to make sure I take full advantage of lucky eggs. And the icon is always put at the front of the name, followed by their IV if I care enough about it lol that way, when I sort by “Name”, they’re all at the top and I know what I intended to evolve them for.

I discard or change the names after the evolution sprees so I don’t get them mixed up with the next time I do a spree.

So in this case, this Tyranitar’s screenshot was taken right after its evolution during the spree and it was my Pokedex Tyranitar :blush:


I finally got a good Lapras and they nerfed it.

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This may not seem that sad to any of you, but I have played legit, used gps apps and used trackers. I have found that spoofers are generally nicer than all of you guys. Most of you are generally salty and it is heartbreaking to see this civil war in OUR game.

oh sweet^^ I really need to invest in a systematic way to name my pokemon, thus far I mean I’ve been playing since pre launch but like I haven’t been as hardcore in the numbers and stats of IV’s and movesets etc - i’ve been a collector more than anything. IT


Can you clarify what you mean by civil war? Are you saying legitimate players vs spoofers? Just not sure what you meant

Lol! You could just play the game without too much investing into it, it’s fun either way. I’m just super picky about my own :joy: feel free to message me for whatever if you’d like :smile:

Yes that is exactly what I meant as the legit players are begging for the spoofers to be banned, and the spoofers want to be (mainly) left alone.

i think with trading and PVP and gym rework - theres gonna be a big meta shift in terms of emphasis on power and combat and that minutia of specific pokemon, their types, training and fighting, etc.

never been a better time to dive into the mechanics i suppose! I gotta go more into this for sure :smiley:

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I was trying to get a Ponyta for candies so I could evolve Rapidash. I recorded the video too, it took 10 minutes to catch, used over 20 pokeballs, 10 pinaps. This was the most Any pokemon has ever popped out of the pokeball and stuck around. I ended up catching her with a raspberry great ball, after like a million attempts. Haha, that was my most heart breaking moment. I kept telling myself ‘one more pinap, one more throw’.

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Aww, poor spoofers. Legit players truly weep for you. It seems like you’re completely oblivious to how you ruin the game for legit players

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@JoshHack I just cannot see a scenario in normal circumstances where spoofers are justified at all.

But then its only a matter of time before the social justice warriors roast me and say that the only way disabled bed ridden players can play pokemon is via spoofing … (that idea was from YouTube)

Not heart-breaking, more like disappointments:

  • When using high-quality IV mon (91+%) for evolve, I kept getting non-optimal moveset for Machamp, Alakazam, Venusaur, Raichu, Clefable, Steelex, Lanturn, Dragonite, Scisor. But get the optimal moveset, when using mediocre IV (89% to 71%)…

  • Was surprised by the amount of salty responses when I said I buy incubators (the only way to get rare mon/candies for semi-rural player) and lucky eggs.

I completely feel your pain. I am still trying for a Watergun/Hydropump Blastoise 0/23; 0/24 on mudshot/earthquake Sandslash; 0/18 on a watergun/hydropump Omastar; 0/6 on a good Mechamp after the move rework, previously had the best moveset on my 100% Machamp that I had maxed; 0/6 on a double steel move steelix; and 0/20 on a high IV Riachu with spark plus an electric type charge move.

Hopefully someday they give us a way to re-roll the moves!

Joining the “pathetic Blastoise” club with this perfect entry, freshly evolved (2 perfect IVs)


Pikasaur: Really? Salty responses? Ok. Buddy, I’m level 38, with everything in squads. Two alts too. That’s a lot of playing. There are dudes I know further then that. We can all tell you the same thing.

Incubators are the best thing to buy in the game. Period.

Lures were cool on that six hr thing but I ended up leeching more off of others. Lucky eggs were good this last go, with reduced cost AND double xp stack
But for general best bang for your buck…it’s the incubators.

I think I was not being clear; apologize if the comment might have been misunderstood. I play Pokemon GO for hours daily, capturing each mon in-person, fully legit. I buy incubators and lucky eggs, with real money (in addition to using the coins I collect from daily gym battles).

These strange people said that I “paid to win,” as if reaching Level 40 the way I did was not legit. I think some of them actually treated me worse than treating spoofers and botters. :expressionless: Initially, it bothered me, tbh. But after giving it some thought, I think they are just plain salty people, you know, looking for opportunities to troll. It actually is satisfying realizing that these people don’t matter. So, I’m moving on. :smiley:

Running out of pokeball during a rare encounter… Yep, it happened to me once, too. (Btw, that Larvitar looked cute. :wink: )

It just happened 2 seconds ago when a chancey shows up 100m from my house, never come close to seeing one or hatching one, I went running from my house in nothing but my underwear to find it, knocking over woman and children when they got in my way (last bit was made up) to catch it ! I find it and throw a razz berry and one ultra ball and that asshole got outta dodge never to be seen again :sob:

A picture speaks 1,000 words. Within 1hr of Adventure week happening. Thank you Go Plus…