General discussion

Azumarill is a weak pokemon but it is Water/Fairy type pokemon

what if it got a good Fairy type fast attack with a good water type charged attack? Can the pokemon, at a decent CP challenge Tyranitar in a gym battle?

no idea honestly

has 1503 CP, no way it can touch a Tyranitar

thats the question I have for the future of Pokemon GO
 if Azumarill can actually challenge Tyranitar, that would be a sign that the game has evolved.

@apavlinovic Yeah. CP quite low

@Dinsara92 the title of our articles should start with ‘Acticle: Yoshi and Dinsara’s ideas to improve Pokemon GO’ and state which part are they belong to.

@Yoshi and everyone else, just call me DIN


Fine. Lemme change the article’s title of Part 1.

Din= Father, Sara=Mother hence Dinsara

I also has Din in my name, so thats why people should just call me Din

Lemme guess
is your name Dina?

But I don’t get why you’re called Dinsara. Father and Mother?

its their initials. my name is not dina. lo

Oh I get it. Your name is Din

my name has 3 words and thats not including my father/last name

Let’s end up here. It’s too personal.

Sometimes we want too much, I think. Not all Pokemon have to be able to fight Tyranitar, and that wouldn’t say that PoGo is not evolving. So Azumarill is nice, and I like him to have in my collection, and Sudoowudoo is just funny, but I will never think he could be able to make a big fight. But the sum of the game, this doesn’t matter.