So, as I spend yet another day stuck at home playing video games, I realize that I need some sort of project to keep me busy. This is what I came up with.
I will use a random number generator to give me a number between 1 and 890. Whatever Pokemon that matches up to, I will:
- Draw the Pokemon.
- Give information about the Pokemon.
- Rate Pokemon and give my opinion on it, and …
- Put up a poll to get the community’s rating of the Pokemon, which I will keep track of with each new entry.
I’d encourage anyone reading these to also give their opinion and responses to the Pokemon of the moment as well. Hopefully this will be a fun thread that will also increase some forum activity.
So, without further adieu, I’ve already done the first entry … and will post it now …
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The first entry will be …
Water Bird Pokemon
Type: Water/Flying
Ht: 1’ 8"
Wt: 12 lbs
Generation: 5 (Unova)
Evolution: Evolves into Swanna at level 35
Base Stats:
HP: 62
ATT: 44
DEF: 50
SA: 44
SD: 50
SPD: 55
Total: 305
As with most pre-evolutions, Ducklett is a weak Pokemon. It’s best stat is HP (62), which is still pretty mediocre.
Ducklett is a water fowl Pokemon that is blue-ish and aqua in color. It’s a pretty simple design as it is a basic duck. The only thing that truly stands out is that the lower feathers resemble an inner tube or flotation device of some sort. It’s shiny is pink and purple.
It’s based on the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” where a duckling is made fun of by other ducklings for being unattractive, only to see it actually grow up into a beautiful swan. This is also why it’s evolved form is a swan. The vacant expression also is a nod to toy rubber duckies.
It’s name is a combination of the word “duck” and the suffix “-lett” which means small. It’s also based on the seldom used term “ducklet” which describes an adolescent duck between it’s duckling and full grown duck stage.
My Opinion:
Well, this definitely proves that I am going with whatever number the generator picks since the very first entry is a pretty forgettable Pokemon. lol
While I don’t despise Ducklett, I’m definitely not a big fan. It has some cute moments in the anime, which helps it a little for me. Otherwise, it’s below average. So much so, that I’m struggling with typing an entire paragraph about it. 
My Rating:
4.5 / 10.0
On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you give Ducklett?
From something written in another thread I decided to check how many hatched 100% I have. First thing I noticed was one was missing and it was easy to see it not in the list as it was un mistakable my very first 100% hatch.
Not sure how or why but my now evolved Togekiss shows like a catch.
The next randomly generated dex number is …
Feeling Pokemon
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ht: 1’ 04"
Wt: 14.6 lbs
Generation: 3 (Hoenn)
Evolution: Evolves into Kirlia at level 20
Base Stats:
HP: 28
ATT: 25
DEF: 25
SA: 45
SD: 35
SPD: 40
Total: 198
Ralts is the first stage of a three stage evolution, so it will obviously have low stats. Even for a first stage evolution, Ralts’ base stat total of 198 is exceptionally low.
Ralts is a shy child-like Pokemon. It’s body appears to be a sheet or nightgown, it has a bowl-like dome on it’s head that is similar to bangs, and two smooth red horns protruding from it’s head. The horns are meant to resemble a heart. Contrary to popular belief Ralts does have eyes, they are just typically hidden. It’s shiny has a blue-ish dome and orange horns.
Ralts is reclusive and can sense emotions. Since small children are thought to be able to sense the emotions of adults, Ralts appears to be based on a small child. This also explains the nightgown-like lower body, shy nature, and habit of hiding it’s eyes.
It’s name is an anagram of the word “astral”.
My Opinion:
I dig Ralts. It conveys the shy and child-like nature really well. It’s cute, innocent, and is a nice first stage for pretty cool evolutions later on.
My Rating:
7.5 / 10.0
My Previous Ratings:
- Ducklett - 4.5
Current Forum Ratings:
- Ducklett - 4.2
On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you give Ralts?
The next randomly generated dex number is …
Light Pokemon
Type: Water/Electric
Ht: 3’ 11"
Wt: 49.6 lbs
Generation: 2 (Johto)
Evolution: Evolves from Chinchou at level 27
Base Stats:
HP: 125
ATT: 58
DEF: 58
SA: 76
SD: 76
SPD: 67
Total: 460
Lanturn’s base total of 460 wouldn’t be considered all that bad, but it’s misleading because 125 of those are HP which inflates that total. HP aside, it’s stats aren’t anything to write home about.
Lanturn is a blue fish Pokemon with a yellow facemask. It also has a hint of yellow on the tail that fades into blue. It’s head has two lures that can glow yellow to attract prey. The effect can be blinding and helps Lanturn catch and consume it’s favorite prey: Starmie.
While Lanturn has a dolphin-like appearance, it is based on a deep-sea anglerfish or football fish, though it is far more colorful than it’s real world counterpart. Anglerfish live in the darkest depths of the ocean, using their lures to catch prey in the same way that Lanturn does.
Lanturn’s name is based on the word “lantern”, though the “turn” might be based on “turn on the light”. Some theorize that the “urn” refers to a container, which points to the fact that Lanturn swallows it’s prey whole.
My Opinion:
When Gen 2 first dropped, Lanturn was a personal favorite, mostly due to the fish it’s based on which had always fascinated me. Over two decades later, it’s no longer among my favorite Pokemon, but I do still like it well enough.
My Rating:
7.0 / 10.0
My Previous Ratings:
- Ralts - 7.5
- Lanturn - 7.0
- Ducklett - 4.5
Current Forum Ratings:
- Ralts - 6.5
- Ducklett - 4.2
On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you give Lanturn?