I believe it’ll be a pokémon that will be more useful than pikachu, as likeable and/or useable as dratini but probably, “probably” not as rare. Here are my picks.
• geodude
• eevee
• machop
In case it will be rare here are my rare picks.
• lapras
• snorlax
• chansey
Since I have you, what will the next legendary be? I for one believe it’ll be latias and latios and they’ll rotate after about 15-30 days like zangoose and seviper. Latias in the west, latios in the east and then they’ll switch.
I think Eevee with all eeveelutions shiny when you evolve them during the 3 hours could be fun.
Also a shiny starter event could be an interesting one, tough it will be hard to get all 9 of them (and then their evolves).
While that is probably the case, I also think Chansey during Valentine’s day was a complete and utter failure. Between the hundreds of Luvdiscs, I saw only 2 Chanseys on my radar, which both disappeared when I got nearby. Seriously, Chansey during Valentine wasn’t even worth mentioning. So it warrants a proper Chansey event to make up for that ridiculous minimal spawn during Valentine.
Yup, I saw (and caught) exactly one Chansey and no shiny Luvdisc.
I think Com Days might focus on Gen 1 in near future to make the older 'Mons a bit more attractive again with new shinies. So, Geodude, Evee, Machop and Exeggcute might be Options as well as Gen 1 Starters.
What about Mareep? Pretty rare, and it seems that not a tone of people have Ampharos yet… I think we’ll get Mareep on at least one of the community days. Also, I can see Grimer, Machop, maybe some gen 3’s later in the year (Ralts is the one that comes to mind). I dunno, I honesty think a Magikarp day is needed. I NEED Gyradose.