What is everyone’s favorite GBL team you’ve run recently—or are running right now? This can be for any cup or format.
I had a blast running Charjabug-Whiscash,
-Medicham in open Great League, with the Bus running X-scissor and Discharge and Cham running Dynamic Punch and Ice Punch. Only problematic Pokémon I encountered was Trevenant but this team handled it and overcame on several occasions.
Looking forward to seeing your teams!
Have to admid getting kinda outdated especcialy since sky attack nerve and poliwrath coming to meta but love this one since almost the start:
Swampert: mud shot, *hydro cannon, sludge wave
Skarmory: air slash, sky attack, brave bird
Umbreon: snarl, foul play, *last resort (*psychic may be viable cuz poli but don’t feel like its worth giving up so much neutral coverage and its also nerfed so that haha)
Also damn like this master premier team
*garchomp: dragon tail, sand tomb, outrage (running *earth power instead of sand tomb but to greedy to tm away legacy move but should cuz dragon tail fast move haha
*metagross: bullet punch, *meteor mash, earthquake (use shadow myself, just cuz why not😋)
Gyarados: waterfall, *aqua tail, crunch
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Those sound like fun teams! You could consider running Steel Wing for Slarmory’s fast move but then you would have less play against Poliwrath so Air Slash seems like a good choice.
They need to bring Master Premier back sometime soon…
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