Different times for same Gym EX Raid


Me and some other players in my city got a EX raid for 22/10 but we’ve got 2 different times for this raid: 17:00 to 17:45 and 18:00 to 18:45.

Is that right? Is it a bug? Depending on the smartphone I log in, I get a different raid time. How I know the correct time? Some people are already changing they GMT to chose the “best” raid time for them…

You guys have any info about that?


someone in my community had the wrong time zone on his phone and it messed up the times

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Yep. So how do we know which raid EX is going to happen? I dont think both of them will, once we can change the GMT time to chose the raid time we want… For example, my GMT is GMT-03(Brazilian time), and my raid time is set to 17:00 to 17:45, but some also have GMT-03 and raid time set to 18:00 to 18:45. If I swap my GMT to -02, my raid time will change to 18:00, but will it work…?

Any ideas?


i dont think changing your time zone on phone will actually change when ex raid spawns

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Is this on 1 gym or 2 different ones?

Do the 2 phones show different times on the phones clock? Then just follow the time on that.
Maybe check if summer/winter time is the same on all phones.
And if its still not clear, just be sure to check if an egg appears at 16:00. If it does, raid is at 17:00. If it doesnt, wait another hour to check if the egg is there at 18:00.

Changing your phones time wont have an effect on when the raid appears no. That time is set. Suddenly changing the date wont also make the raid be a day earlier/later.

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Same Gym, thats why its so weird.

My main smartphone is a Galaxy S7, and it is set to official Brasilia time(GMT-03), when I log on my account, it shows me that the Raid time is 17:00 to 17:45.
And, I have a secondary smartphone, an Moto G1, with the time set to GMT-03 too, but, when I log on my account, it shows me that the Raid time is 18:00 to 18:45…

I will have to get early on the Gym and check when the egg will appear, but I must admit that i fear to lose my EX-pass.

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@Robdebobrob another important thing i forgot,

Last year, by this time of october, we were already at DST(Daylight Saving Time) at Brazil, but this year, due to elections, we are not yet on DST,

Point is, with DST Brazil moves from GMT-3 to GMT-2,
I got my EX pass set to 17:00-17:45, but If I change my GMT from 3 to 2, the Raid time will change to 18:00-18:45.

I think Niantic dont know we are not on DST here at Brazil.

Well, “It hurt itself in its confusion”. :face_with_head_bandage:

Good luck, I really hope, you can get this Deoxys. :crossed_fingers:

Reading this makes me very sceptical about this abandoning DST in Europe thing. Laws are one thing, but computers don’t care about laws if they’re not being updated on time…

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Very weird. Good luck with the raid. Let us know how it went. Im curious how its gonna go.

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@Robdebobrob @Toon6321 @kRe

Raid went well, the “true” Raid time was 17:00, but even those with Ex-pass for 18:00 were able to make the Raid at 17:00-17:45.
Even with the smartphones having different clock times.


Congrats, you catch it?

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