Deoxys Counters Guide

The question is why would anybody invest in it in the first place
But even a maxed out Mew gets outclassed by TTar and Mewtwo of lower levels

I know, I did, it was my trophy, my goal and I understand there are better options, I have 6 double dark ttars ready for battle, but I prefer variety

PVP then :sweat_smile:.
Your right.

And mew is number three on the power chart

Hardly believable it is top3 counter because I wouldnt really include it in top6, its just that its fun to use it because not many people has a maxed out one. It has no STAB on the right moveset and stats are not as great but keeping in mind that deoxys is worse than M2 opens more options for your team imo


I wouldnt say that it is worse than Mewtwo. I like my dps monster.

I meant stat wise is worse than M2 as a raid boss

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Pretty glad, sure no one will show up if I get a pass

Invite a friend and all you need is another 2 and you good to go

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Maybe @Mew1 will come and are you sure I need that many, look at the stats

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It depends on pokemon you will use and obviously on pokemon your fellow trainers gonna use, I know Im going for 2 man

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Aye tell me if you do that, and do you have a pass ,and for what day?

2nd Oct, I sure will let you know the result, I might however alternate my team depending on circumstances

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Haha, did you invite someone?

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Yea, one of my mates, Im sure we will have 2 two man teams and leave the rest on their own if they will have enough

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I like the new feature, I have one friend nearby but not on hub, and I could invite @ahirunopekkle or @Mew1 to the raid.

Or I could troll someone like @Brobraam who lives thousands of miles away :joy:


And when i actually turn up lol
No wont happen. Way too expensive