Will the Pokemon go Devs add them this year atleast
Deoxys will be special research no EX raid
Any logical reasoning?
I hope that we see deoxys in Special Research, but field research boxes would be fine.
For the regis, they should be available all 3 for one month in raids then one per month subsequently in field research box. I think the regis might be beatable for us.
Hmmm, I guess most players don’t like it to see the Regi’s as a Special Research encounter…
However, I’d like, instead of the Special Research in @Mapman42’s idea, to see the Regi’s as a breakthrough box encounter.
How would Deoxys be in Special Research? I would rather remove Mew2 from EX and put all Deoxys forms and make them random.
Or they should do the same with Special as Field, one each month, or maybe one each quarter of the year.
Its a Mythical
But still, what about the forms?
Field research what i meant lol
The problem with that is
- Shutting off people who don’t have mewtwo from getting it
- Shutting off rurals who haven’t got the numbers.
I don’t think that we’ll see another EX boss until Mewtwo becomes obtainable by those 2 groups
Mewtwo was obtainable for a long enough time, you even get passes for beating a single Magikarp at the gym
Quite sure that by the start of fall, we will have a new EX Boss,most likely Deoxys
Mythicals are special research rewards and no Ex raids. And btw you cant just get a pass by doing a a magikarp raid.
Some cities have no EX eligible gyms. I do have 4, but not enough players to trigger EX raid.
Then I said nothing.
Yes you can get a pass by doing a magikarp raid. But it needs to be on an EX eligible raid location, and alot of other players need to have raided there aswell for it to be triggered.
I hear weekly from people here they just did a level 1 raid on the gym and got an invite.
Then you first need to find players…
The only mythical released so far was Mew
Think of it like this: They cant have Mewtwo forever, and his end is definetly comming soon (as evident in Nia practically giving away passes for even single raids)
And yes,why cant you get an invitation by doing a Karp?
And i think its more likely for a new mythical to come in the special research then for a new legendary/mythical to come in EX-raids.
Sure alot more are being sent out, but its still a system that excludes alot of players.