They have had the 100 coins at 0.79 for ages now and the 550 at 4.99 it’s cheaper to get 6x100packages=600 coins for 4.74
It’s. 99 in the USA
€ 0.99 for 100, €5,49 for 550 in Holland
get your coins in Europe
I always buy the 100coins and it’s P29 here in the Philippines, the cheapest among the rest so I don’t get why is their pricing’s that way…
Maybe they think the americans can’t do mathematics…
I just get 50 coins a day from gyms.
I just bought $30 worth of coins and spend maybe 100 to 150 a month
It takes me 3 days to save up for an incubator or 4 days to increase storage space.
A copy paste from the taxed thread in the help desk catagory:
In my game it’s like this. Dollar conversions behind the Euro’s:
100 coins = €0.99 - $1.30
550 coins = €5.49 - $6.49
1200 coins = €10.99 - $12.99
2500 coins = €21.99 - $25.11
5200 coins = €43.99 - $50.24
14500 coins = €109.99 - $125.61
So the Euro so stronger then the $