Cloning Legendary Monsters

I stopped watching after the battle frontier season(10)…
Which, to me was the official end of my childhood…

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Pokémon Go get’s s really really really bad score from me. The only reason maybe I think that I am still playing the game is maybe because I am hoping things will change completely. I personally think tapping the phone 10,000 times and swiping 5,000 times is incredible boring.

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Yeah that makes sense about elite 4…

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Your still enjoying Go, it’s not over.

Times just changed.

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Well maybe the gym rework is just the thing for you mate!

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I would just like to point out:

This is how you discuss topics.

*I never said “this a bad idea” i made my points, i brought clarity, i gave ideas of my own to incorporate @Gary_oak idea.

We need more discussion like this. and less, “this is bad idea begone”*

Sorry just had to say it for some people who seem to never be on any forum in their young lives


It is not just that the biggest problem is extreme lack of content especially from the Cartoon Version of Pokémon.

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It’s totally understandable mate!@5GodLink
A progressive discussion is where new ideas emerge…


Turn based moves are needed. @Gary_oak @Law2010 and @5GodLink if you have any ideas, I am the publisher of a collaboration of many ideas and I will tell you guys when it comes out so you can join. Then all you have to do is tell me a idea or impeovement and I will do the rest :+1:.


I understand that fully. I wouldn’t mind more story and more moves in the game. This tapping game is redundant, to the point trainers dont look at their phones, or dodge. just tape and let your hand go numb. :sob::crazy_face:

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Count me in…
It’s a pleasure to think in the world of pokemon

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It is a point…
Well all we can do is suggest…
It’s all upto trainerNiA :grin:

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New quest system, story mode, and minigames along with more interactions of friends could fix this. But for the issue of cloning legendaries, a person needs more than one because of how thrrr is no IV up.


K, will tell you when I release it. Takes a month to finish with all the people that are in it and finally I am finishing it. Will have a poll in the topic so you guys can join.

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Sometimes I wish for niantic to turn all clones to dittos😓

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@5GodLink I don’t get why my comments are bad??? Unless you meant for all of us???

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My exact defense to why we can’t get rid of “cloned legendaries”

The way we power up through candy would rely more on Rare candy, rather capturing.

Also, @Gary_oak and @Law2010 check out this topic, it was locked but is very detailed on A “actual end game” : Single Player Endgame : Gym Challenges

ill see if i can get this unlocked.

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It’s hard for me to think about zillion ho ohs😁
It is may be because I watched too much anime

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Thats not what he is saying, what he means I think is that the first post of yours in his topic was negative.

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