I had a bit of a search for an already existing thread to post this in but can’t seem to find one so I have to start a new one unless the good mods know of one and can transfer/join.
Since the new update came with a change in Level for Powering up your Pokemon I thought it would be handy for all to know what you now need for maxing out any Raid or Egg Hatch Pokemon.
For those that may not know, all Pokemon hatched from Eggs or Raids are a L20 Pokemon regardless of what their IV/CP is.
The total Star Dust and Candy now required to Power up to now what game calls L40 without any glitches or cheat method is:
225000 Star Dust
248 Candy
Bang for buck Power Up to L30 is now:
75000 Stardust
66 Candy
Previous vales for L39.5 were:
205000 Star Dust
218 Candy.
I find this info handy as rather than storing Rare Candy I throw them at Legendary Pokemon I want to Power Up to full. Once I reach the Candy Value I look for my next one I’d like to Power Up. I need every bit of my bag space to play the game the way I do without constantly being desperate for some item that’s all but run out. I can’t afford to stock pile Rares in my Bag Storage.