Badge notification pop up


Yes, those Badge Notifications keep wasting two seconds of my time. Don’t they know how valuable those two seconds are? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You only get it once per medal man, it’s not that bad

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I hate much more the notification that a new raid is starting early near to me. If I want to know, I can go to the radar screen, but this banner really is notorious.

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OMG, this is a pathetic petition.
Seriously? badge notifications are giving you trouble? Of all the small issues the game might have, THIS is what you petition for? This must be a joke.

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My primary headache around that topic, though, is when a hatching egg blocks everything and causes me to be late to join a raid (or even to see the invitation notification). I would love to have some way of saying “not yet, please”.

How raid invitation notifications are handled could use a bit of re-thinking, too. When doing housekeeping (like bag sorting, reviving, or gift exchanging), invites come in that I won’t see until I quit the chore, which is often after the invitation has expired. Putting the tiny, color-changing ‘nearby’ box in its usual corner wouldn’t be prohibitively obtrusive for doing those other things.

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