Anyone have "To the Max!" glitch on them?

I was doing this in the last few hours. I’d completed the power spot section, and the Max particle section, and collected them, but when my “Explore 5 km” actually HIT 5km, instead of completing, it reset THE ENTIRE RESEARCH back to 0 progress, including getting Willow’s whole spiel recited to me all over again. This was at about 5:50 PM Eastern US time. And, of course, I’d already hit the maximum number of power spots in the day prior to this.

Anyone else have a similar issue?


I also had this happen. Does anybody know why?

I’ve yet to complete page one to experience the joy. Haven’t herd anything locally on that problem either.

Don’t have it.

Reached the next level without problem, so it’s not a global error

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Yes, mine did the same thing and now it’s saying I can’t get any more max particles today.

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Yeah, this is a known issue. Didn’t have it myself, though.

Yes, I have that same problem. I completed the first and last task, only had 1 km left out of 5 and, last night, I was just checking some things in the game when I got “Streak broken” 3 times and the whole research got reset!

I was hoping it would have “fixed itself” today, but no such luck.

The journal showed “complete research” on the 500 max particles and now all is blank (I did the other too, I just didn’t capture it).

I’ll try again today (not sure if I’ll manage the 5km as I don’t usually get to walk that long on thursdays…) and see how it goes.

For people that did have this problem, did it work normally the second time around? I really don’t want a second error…

I did not receive the error, page two is successful for me.

I got the ‘streak broken’ message twice, and each time I scoured my tasks to find any task with a “[blah blah] in a row” that would tell me WHAT streak was broken, and neither time did I find anything that said it required a streak at all. I was going to ask here, but decided to ignore it, instead.

Well, just to give an update after I tried to complete the research task again:

I tried collecting mp from 3 power stops, but when I got to the third it wouldn’t let me anymore, saying I had exceeded the daily limit or something to that effect, so I cannot finish that one today.

However, after I collected the 2nd one, a dynamax wooloo appeared, so I already have that pokemon, even though I didn’t complete the research task (for the second time).

My guess is last time the only thing that was missing was 1 km, so as I walked to the 2nd Power Spot and collected it, it must have counted that final 1km? I was keeping track of the hatched eggs, so that’s why I’m saying this.

I honestly do not get this, I just hope the game won’t think I’m somehow cheating (if I get 2 wooloos by the end of it) and ban me.

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dynamax Discussion

No worries, the second one just followed you home. :grinning: :+1:


Mine won’t even let me collect any particles. yesterday it Let me do one and it is glitched and says I’m full and will not let me collect any more Yesterday and today it keeps saying I’m full and it won’t let me collect anything

Mine has been like this since yesterday it only let me do one stop and today it won’t let me do anything just says full

Try to open the nearby radar, change to Power Spot.
Touch where is written Done
Then appear two feet and ask walking 2 km.
When you.e done so it says that something has appeared behind you.
It’s another Dynamax Pokemon.
Catch him, and after you can visit more Power Spots.
If not, maybe you have to use Max Particles in Level-up the first move of one of the Dynamax you have.

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Niantic has now made up for it by auto-completing the Research. Their helpdesk mentions only affected trainers will have their Research automatically completed but I and others were not affected by the bug and still had it auto complete.


Maybe I have not noticed this because they were completed? Will I get something in change? Will they restore the things I have used to fulfill them?

That notion seems too absurd not to laugh…

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How about just dropping a couple of those magic dynamax balls into our item bags, instead? :wink:

Can Mods change a Thread title?
This thread now seems to be used for all Dynamax discussions when its original talking point was about a glitch/bug.

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