A way to (maybe) guarantee a EX invite

Just a thought. If you only have had to have done a raid at that gym before, and someone got an invitation saying one was on in two days time, if you did a raid at that gym ONLY once you got conformation a EX raid would happen then, surely you would always a an invite?

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I am struggling to understand what you mean Josh.

If I’m understanding at all…

I don’t believe doing a raid at a gym after the first Ex Raid invites go out but before the raid starts will get you an invite to the Ex Raid. I think things are pretty much locked in once they go out.

You understood it perfectly, but it does seem like a reasonable idea/experiment to try out one day.

Seems like a bad single criteria for getting a pass, but it might be a good option. What I mean is either you have a gold badge OR you have recently raided there. It would open the player pool soon and should add extra incentive to getting more Pokémon in gyms and trying to hold them.

The gold badge would be a good idea, but would result in a lot more confusion surely? If some are getting invitations one way, and others are getting another way, and others have never battled there before, for me it over complicates things.

People won’t care where why they got an invite only that they have them. If people can understand ball and berry mechanics this should be very simple.

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People will always find something to complain about, regardless of how positive the thing in question actually is. Just wait for MewTwo to start running from people and listen to the complaints.

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Some of the complaints might be nonsense, however they could also be advices telling Niantic how to improve the exclusive raid system. Complaints would display their effectiveness in some point. They could be references.
Things like complaints should be considered as bringing out 2-sided effect (for both pros and cons).

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Variables will exist until exclusive raids released worldwide. Just don’t get too serious on these things and hope for the best.

Mainly: hope that this happens and that Niantic don’t realise the massive loophole they have created😁

Haha Niantic has got bad records. The original plan of the 4 main updates in 2017 was disrupted.

Instead of saying that Niantic secretly watching us and being cross with us, why don’t they concentrate on preventing bugs and developing new features?

They enjoy the idea of keeping us groping in the dark for information and don’t actually listen to their players much. I doubt they will ever just listen to their players.