That’s insane. I don’t really understand how Niantic lets this slip through the net lol
I don’t personally have this bug.
Found a Reddit from TheSilphRoad on that. It is a bug.
Reddit The Silph Road on new catchbug.
There’s also a better bug: A Bellsprout ran away from me, but it is in my Pokémon Storage now. Maybe he ran in it. Don’t tell Niantic
Did that happen when you had some problems with the connection?
It happens everytime
I had that happen once, but I was pulling up my iv calc and had just thrown a ball…I went back and it ran from the encounter, but it ended up in my storage
Did u try deleting and re-downloading??..I had a bug where everytime I clicked on a mon, the encounter would start by switching back from ar mode into regular…a simple uninstall and re install cleared that up easily.
@Jormdeworm … the slowpoke is running from you .
It would rather get bit by a shelder than go in the ball…
Not only the Slowpoke…
What else?
Everything. It happens to every encounter.
So you can’t catch anything???
Hmm, I can, after a lot of seconds…
I lot of times when the game glitches during an encounter, I end up catching that Pokemon.
My brother had a problem like this with grimer
I have it with everything, and everytime. It’s still ongoing. So annoying.
On the other side, it should stay until the 12th. I just want to know how shinies look like with this glitch . At least the star animation won’t appear I guess.
Imagine that shiny eevee just running from you, not litteraly, of course
I was right with that…
You found a shiny???