What type are you?
I don’t play in Singapore.
Wouldnt mind playing with those girls, im sure they’ll like a mewtwo or two🤪
No, just say what type you are.
I am the “Distracted Player”
I’d be distracted by those girls.
I’m the “obsessed player”. But those girls are still hot. But not if the was a wild Snorlax or Dragonite around.
Haha the obsessed player story was AWESOME!
Same as you, but not TOO distracted, don’t want to walk into a lightpole or a pond.
Oh that has happened to me
It must be a rare mon.
It was Lapras.
I fell in a pond and a turtle bit my butt .
You must be joking.
It was worth it.
Yup you got that right
You sure have bittersweet memories of that Lapras
This is a youtuber called Jian Hao Tan
His a Singaporean
Somewhere between the Distracted and the bad boyfriend
“f*$%ing hipsters” was pure gold. I’m a bit of a lost player. I save my last 30% battery to use Maps to return home, heh.