I’m sure parts or all of this has come up before…
I would be interested in setting up a group of friends for XP farming.
You can open 30 per day and have 30 guaranteed opened for 60 friends … In 30 days you can generate 6.6 million XP.
You need to organise 120 friends in groups of 30.
4 groups A B C D.
Every day:
Group A sends to B
Group B sends to C
Group C sends to D
Group D sends to A
This way you will open 30 gifts and 30 are guaranteed to be opened for total 60.
Great friends 10,000xp - 7 days = 600,000xp
Ultra friends 50,000xp - 30 days = 3,000,000xp
If the xp days are coordinated for an open time the XP is doubled for 6 million at Ultra friends.