48. Show your ‘Dex List Screen

Well, after bagguille has “died”, the new bagguille2 will need a lot of time to reach noticable results…

Or, Season of Hidden Paywalls

:question: :question: :question:

Seasons of Paywalls

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Purified 178 (+11)
Shadow 158 (+11)
Perfect 117 (+22)
3* 771 (+24)
3* shiny 127 (+27)
Shiny 410 (+39)
Lucky 393 (+57)
Event 154 (+34)
Mega 20 (+7)
Total 777 (+21)

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Update after Go Fest and in preparation for the new season. Pokémon Go: FY

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It’s time again for my quarterly update to celebrate (cough) the ending of the old and the start of the new season.
This one: The Season of Endless Repetition

Nothing much to say - except that new additions are constantly dwindling due to a) less new content being added and b) the fact these ‘dexes are becoming incrementally more complete.

Also Mega hasn’t increased as I missed the Garchomp Mega Raid Day due to being on an aeroplane.

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No idea what improvements have been made as I have no previous screenshot to go on.


Just take a look to the last tables I published, and you can see it. :smile:

The new season is (almost) here - yippee! :neutral_face: :man_shrugging:t2:

“World of Wankers”… oops, I meant…
“World of Blunders”… sorry, it’s actually…
“World of Wondering Why We’re All Still Playing”

Anyhoo, on digesting that bombshell, I realised it was time for another of my quarterly retrospectives on the Season just gone…

6!!! Yes, just six new Registers! At this rate I will surely need to be buried alongside my ‘phone and an infinite supply of battery charging packs.


Well, here are my pokedex stats… I don’t think I have enough pokemon (or caught enough) to even show more data like the majority here? weird!

I also have 2 perfect pokemon and 12 shinies, which I am very proud of! :smile:

I thought about not putting this here, but decided against it, as a new season is coming and by the end of it I’d like to see the differences (if there are any!).

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The problem is Niantic. When you win levels they open new points in this Pokedex-screen.

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Didn’t realise I hadn’t posted an update since last year so here it is.

Never let thinking your collection not as good as anyone else’s @Stridian. It’s yours so be proud of it if your having fun with the game.



Absolutely! Ultimately that’s why I decided to post it anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing how it progresses in the future. Even today, after a very successful Popplio Community Day for me, I’ve unlocked the Shiny category, so that’s an extra something!

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@Stridian , this way you have a copy for comparing with your data.

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thanks! I’ll keep an eye on it, it’s going to be interesting come the end of next season and see differences.