47. Type Badges

I guess I’d better contribute:

Normal: 77,345
Fighting: 15,312
Flying: 42,868
Poison: 33,923
Ground: 27,211
Rock: 21,983
Bug: 27,449
Ghost: 13,861
Steel: 13,623
Fire: 20,628
Water: 47,574
Grass: 34,246
Electric: 20,291
Psychic: 28,134
Ice: 15,491
Dragon: 6,557
Dark: 15,969
Fairy: 13,161

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That’s a lot of normal tyoes caught

Results, Post CD & Spotlight Hour:
Normal: 6085
Flying: 4090
Water: 3102
Fighting: 943
Poison: 2161
Ground: 1168
Rock: 1006
Ghost: 1364
Steel: 1924
Fire: 1530
Grass: 2427
Electric: 1729
Psychic: 1609
Ice: 1125
Dragon: 468
Fairy: 980
So what about it?
Normal, to nobody’s surprise, is still in first, with flying trailing behind it by 1095 catches, with water only behind that by 988 catches. After the podium, grass is pne of the only types to break 2000, at 2427 catches. Poison is closing in on grass but is behind it by 266 catches. Steel, to my surprise, barely edges out Bug to take 6th at 1924 catches. Bug only trails by 27 catches at 1897, taking 7th place. The last time, steel was behind it. 8th place is Electric at 1729 catches, closely followed by 9th placer Psychic at 1609 catches. 10th place goes to Fire. At 1530 catches, its the only type that’s seen significant numbers from event spawns. Ghost is at a disappointingly 11th place at 1364 catches. 12th placer Ground continues its reign at ruling out the other lower ranked types at a whopping 1168 catches, which barely edges out 13th placer Ice at 1125 catches. Rock and Dark are tied at 14th place at 1006 catches apiece. 15 th place Fairy is still edging out 16th place fighting at 980. Dragon is still in last place at 468 catches.

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Wrong screen shot

Pre CD Update
Normal: 6166
Flying: 4141
Water: 3163
Fighting: 953
Poison: 2207
Ground: 1177
Rock: 1012
Bug: 1926
Ghost: 1368
Steel: 1928
Fire: 1558
Grass: 2469
Electric: 1741
Psychic: 1622
Ice: 1133
Dragon: 468
Dark: 1040
Fairy: 990

So what about it?
Normal is in first, Flying is in second, only behind it by 2025 catches, then Water is behind it by 978 catches. Fourth place goes to Grass, with 2469 catches. Poison is in fifth with 2207 catches. Sixth place Steel at 1928 catches is inches behind seventh place bug with 1926 catches. Eighth place is Electric with 1741 catches and ninth place is Psychic with 1622 catches. Fire is still at tenth place at 1559 catches. Ghost only gets a 1% increase from 1364 catches and is still at 11th place at 1368 catches. Ground is in twelfth place at 1177 catches. 44 catches behind it is Ice at 1133 catches. The gap between those types widened by one catch (that one catch was probably due to Swinub CD Classic). 14th place is Dark, having passed Rock by 28 catches and now sits at 1040 catches. Last time, the two types were tied at 1006 catches apiece. 15th place is Rock at 1012 catches. 16th place is Fairy, having a 1.01% increase from two weeks ago and has 990 catches. Fighting is still holding on to 17th place (but still doesn’t have to worry about Dragon for the time being) at 953 catches, a 1.01% increase from 2 weeks ago. The gap between these two types has remained unchanged in the last two weeks. Dragon is still in last place at 468 catches.

Post CD Update
Normal: 6168
Flying: 4141
Water: 3168
Fighting: 953
Poison: 2207
Ground: 1177
Rock: 1013
Bug: 1927
Ghost: 1368
Steel: 1928
Fire: 1558
Grass: 2469
Electric: 1741
Psychic: 1622
Ice: 1133
Dragon: 493
Dark: 1040
Fairy: 990

I’ll keep this brief…
Dragon got a 1.05% increase from a few hours ago, as Bug and Rock each got a 1% increase (and this was all from catching 1 Dwebble). Water also received a 1% increase, and is now exactly 3000 catches away from Normal.

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6/21/23 Update

Normal: 6217
Flying: 4199
Water: 3228
Grass: 2537
Fighting: 959
Poison: 2221
Ground: 1185
Rock: 1068
Bug: 1970
Ghost: 1377
Steel: 1990
Fire: 1566
Electric: 1753
Psychic: 1659
Ice: 1137
Dragon: 494
Dark: 1057
Fairy: 1006

An update 4 years in the making!
Normal is in first, with Flying only trailing behind by only 2018 catches. Water is in third. Grass has finally reached platinum rank ( and by a Cottonnee, nonetheless). It is now behind Water by 691 catches and shrinking. Poison retains its 5th place spot, but it must start looking under its bed nightly for Bug (or Steel). In the past week, Bug and Steel were competing for 6th place. Steel was actually down by 20 catches over Bug due to the many Sewaddle I was catching (and the standings for that point were Bug: 1954 and Steel: 1934). Now, the gap has remained steady since then. Steel trumps Bug, taking 6th place at 1990 catches and bug is in a very close 7th place at 1970 catches. 8th place is Electric at 1753 catches. 9th is Psychic at 1659 catches. 10th place is Fire at 1566 catches. 11th place is Ghost at 1377 catches. 12th place is Ground at 1185 catches. 13th place is Ice at 1137 catches. 14th place is Rock at 1068 catches. 15th place is Dark at 1057 catches. 16th place is Fairy at 1006 catches. 17th place is Fighting at 959 catches. Last place is Dragon at 494 catches (but hey, at least it gets to go up by one or two during Go Fest, right?)

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Normal 22,944
Fighting 4,631
Flying 11,825
Poison 10,597
Ground 7,508
Rock 7,193
Bug 7,774
Ghost 4,500
Steel 4,221
Fire 7,411
Water 16,426
Grass 11,383
Electric 6,154
Psychic 8,292
Ice 4,431
Dragon 3,607
Dark 5,076
Fairy 4,758

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  1. Normal : 1782
  2. Fighting : 488
  3. Flying : 1179
  4. Poison : 780
  5. Ground : 596
  6. Rock : 460
  7. Bug : 652
  8. Ghost : 557
  9. Steel : 580
  10. Fire : 600
  11. Water : 1442
  12. Grass : 832
  13. Electric : 577
  14. Psychic : 721
  15. Ice : 471
  16. Dragon : 345
  17. Dark : 639
  18. Fairy : 426

Fun Observation : 471 is Pokedex entry for Glaceon, which matches my total catches for Ice Type !
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6/26/23 Update
Normal: 6241
Flying: 4229
Water: 3238
Grass: 2576
Fighting: 963
Poison: 2237
Ground: 1189
Rock: 1083
Bug: 1990
Ghost: 1384
Steel: 1995
Fire: 1571
Electric: 1758
Psychic: 1675
Ice: 1137
Dragon: 495
Dark: 1070
Fairy: 1010

I’ll keep this brief…
1st: Normal
2nd: Flying
3rd: Water
4th: Grass
5th: Poison
So I decided to list the Top 5 types because its a no-brainer to do so. 6th place goes to Steel (1995), holding a 5 catch lead over Bug(1990).
8th place goes to Electric(1758) holding a 83 catch lead over Psychic(1675). 10th place still goes to fire, but will it be able engulf Psychic in the week to come? Time will tell. 11th place Ghost(1384) is still laying dormant, but this is normal (and come October, it will receive a big boon). 12th place Ground (1189) is still burying 13th place Ice (1137) 14th place Rock (1083) only has a 12 catch lead against Dark(1071). 16th place Fairy(1010) is only 58 catches behind. Fighting(963) comes in 17th place with Dragon(495) getting last place.

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I’ve copied this for the next actualization.

That’s fine. Thank you.

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Post Spotlight Hour (+ Out Of State Shenanigans) Update:
Normal: 6517
Flying: 4335
Water: 3383
Grass: 2680
Fighting: 977
Poison: 2284
Ground: 1243
Rock: 1115
Bug: 2018
Ghost: 1398
Steel: 2079
Fire: 1704
Electric: 1792
Psychic: 1700
Ice: 1141
Dragon: 499
Dark: 1139
Fairy: 1045

Business is Boomin!
Normal is in first place, Flying is in second place, and Water is in third. Grass is in fourth place and Poison is in fifth place. Sixth place goes to Steel, and seventh place goes to Bug. These two types are giving Poison the heebie-jeebies. Eighth place goes to Electric and like Bug, it has to start looking under its bed every night for Fire (9th) and Psychic(10th). In short. The top 5 retain their spots, and the bottom five are fighting for entry into the top 5. Steel is the closest to surpassing Poison, while Fire or Psychic are getting close to surpassing Electric. Things are looking even more good for the bottom 13. 11th place goes to Ghost (and will likely still go to it. It isn’t getting any major increases until October). 12th place goes to Ground, which might surpass Ghost by October. 13th place goes to Ice, which is barely surpassing Dark (14th). 15th place goes to Rock, so all three types are in the 1100 range. 16th place goes to Fairy. It has seen good growth, as well as Fighting (17th) and Dragon (18th).

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Normal: 16 188

Fighting: 3 310

Flying: 9 311

Poison: 7 800

Ground: 5 381

Rock: 5 405

Bug: 4 643

Ghost: 3 071

Steel: 3 206

Fire: 4 587

Water: 19 533

Grass: 7 377

Electric: 4 981

Psychic: 7 170

Ice: 3 128

Dark: 3 370

Fairy: 3 387

Dragon: 2 103

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Normal: 19.244
Fighting: 4215
Flying: 11.229
Poison: 10.235
Ground: 8378
Rick: 7700
Bug: 8400
Ghost: 4010
Steel: 3837
Fire: 7075
Water: 19.262
Grass: 11.481
Electric: 6192
Psychic: 10.803
Ice: 4910
Dragon: 3499
Dark: 5176
Fairy: 4364

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GO Fest 2023 Update:
Normal: 6801
Flying: 4488
Water: 3686
Grass: 2837
Fighting: 1022
Poison: 2379
Ground: 1289
Rock: 1278
Bug: 2094
Ghost: 1414
Steel: 2370
Fire: 1744
Electric: 1858
Psychic: 1725
Ice: 1173
Dragon: 532
Dark: 1177
Fairy: 1102

It’s a Close One Here, Folks
With the Top 5 essentially securing their spots, this update (and possibly future updates) will focus on the other 13 types. Anyways, Poison is nearly being over taken by Steel, but it is still retaining its 6th place spot. After surpassing the wall that was Bug, Steel must face its toughest challenge yet: Poison. 7th place Bug has seen better days, but it will at least gain a sizeable increase tomorrow. 8th place Electric has been riding the catch current and could surpass Bug one day. 9th place Fire is steadily climbing the catch current but is being hounded by Psychic. Psychic is now just chilling. 11th place Ghost went up 16 catches. Ground is barely burying Rock. Dark is barely eclisping Ice. Fairy is gaining on Ice, while Fighting has broken through the 1000 catch milestone. Dragon has broken the 500 catch milestone.

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Pre CD Update:
Normal: 7208
Flying: 4791
Poison: 2544
Steel: 2555
Water: 3998
Grass: 3230
Fighting: 1193
Ground: 1370
Rock: 1324
Bug: 2291
Ghost: 1651
Fire: 1988
Electric: 1985
Psychic: 1956
Ice: 1203
Dragon: 555
Dark: 1290
Fairy: 1188

What would you like on your fries, Ketchum or Mustard?

It’s been a while since the last one, but I am back to share developments on the lower hlaf of the pack!

Poison and Steel both have passed 2500 catches, but the next three types have been trying to outdo each other. Over the past few months, Fire was fighting for dominance over Electric and Psychic. It had a rough time in September with the Psychic Spectacular, but it caught up quickly in October. Electric had its lead stretched thin in October, but will it bounce back in the Festival of Lights event? Ghost got great gains from Halloween this year. It went from 1414 catches to 1651 catches, an 116% increase for this year and the highest increase recorded.
Ground is burying Rock by 46 catches, but that is assuming there won’t be any rock themed events in the future. Fighting got a sizable increase from October’s CD, but nothing more. At least it’s between Fairy and Dark. It can still close out the year surpassing Dark, but only time will tell. Dragon has not increased much.

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End of Season Update:
Normal: 7356
Flying: 4844
Poison: 2614
Steel: 2577
Water: 4103
Grass: 3313
Fighting: 1221
Ground: 1443
Rock: 1337
Bug: 2339
Ghost: 1689
Fire: 2043
Electric: 2149
Psychic: 1993
Ice: 1214
Dragon: 562
Dark: 1314
Fairy: 1222

Your Stonks Increased Threefold!
At the end of the season, Fire, Electric and Psychic got great increases this season.
Ghost gets the most increase in catches, ending the season with 1689 catches. Dark is ahead of Ice by 100 catches and Fairy is beating Fighting by one catch. Bug is next in line to reach platinum, but Electric is closing in.

As for this Season,
That’s All, Folks!

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Post CD Update:
Normal: 7976
Flying: 5089
Poison: 2824
Bug: 2611
Steel: 2794
Water: 4427
Grass: 3658
Fighting: 1396
Ground: 1593
Rock: 1452
Ghost: 1744
Fire: 2262
Electric: 2305
Psychic: 2181
Ice: 1496
Dragon: 670
Dark: 1411
Fairy: 1413

All Fired Up After Litten CD
After 4 months, Fire had a 1.1% increase. Most of that was due to Litten CD. Electric had a 1.07% increase. This I expected, since Pawmi spawns were becoming more frequent in the last 2 months. Psychic had a 1.09% increase. It was interesting to see how Psychic spawns were changing in just 4 months. Ghost had a 1.03% increase. I think Go Tour Sinnoh spawns were affecting this increase. Overall, Fire will be the one to watch in rhe coming months.

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