Which would you rather have trading or pvp and why

Here’s the thing: PvP will get boring after a few battles as well with this system, and its only your choice to trade with a spoofer and kill the sense of accomplishment
As for the common multi account argument, as Ive suggested, they could limit it to your trainer level (or your possible max level, no maxed out Mons until level 38, no raid Mons until 18, etc)


It’s all a matter of preference. We can debate how trading should be done and we can come up with some master plan we all like, but still then i rather have pvp. Content > QoL in this case.

if does come jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggjknm%2Chnjm

I want trading so I can fill those annoying little holes in my Pokedex.

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