What is your favorite Pokémon GO YouTuber?

What is your favorite Pokémon GO YouTuber?
Mine is Trainer Tips and #2 is PkmnMasterHolly.


Dont watch Pokémon GO youtubers

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Yes yes,but that 1 is closed.

Mine is Trainer Tips. He is really good.

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Kinda like Trainer Tips, but his click baits/his fandom annoy the hell out of me sometimes. I tend to avoid PoGo videos and rely on GoHUB and GamePress


Dont like them, dont watch them. Bunch of ducks imho and its really waste of time. Silph road, gamepress are the most reliable sources I came by so far. Gohub is decent but I dont usually rely on info from here

Trainertips is good and most likely the best. the quality of his videos is simply amazing work.
Many dislike his view on some stuff (life is unfair video) but as a content creator he does very good work for PoGo

Reversal grew on me. I wacht more and more of his videos. It does help he is a fellow Dutchie and lives 50km away from me, so he’s a reachable ‘celebrity’

Mystic7 also grew on me. in the beginning i thought he was too hyper, but that made for fun videos.

I don’t watch any other youtubers.

My top vote still goes to trainertips. mostly for the incredible editing work he puts in his vids.
Youtubers as source for information always get bypassed by dedicated websites like GoHub, just by upload time but who honestly cares?


Trainer Tips. Like his style of making videos. He’s not all “oh look at me” and has good info.

His videos sometimes help to make sense of complicated matter that is otherwise difficult to understand as it is written in plain text. I’m a visual guy and if I can’t visualise something it doesn’t stick.

I agree with @Kevin260709. It’s Trainer Tips Nick and PkmnMaster Holly for me.

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