Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)


Hi, Sweden west coast player searching for friends from far away. Add me!

8381 8848 1384. Add me plzz


My Trainer Code is 5365 6314 1122 looking for international friends please I’m from Australia I play most days but will gift as often as I can

Husband’s code 0977 1290 9163. We play every day.

Utah, USA

I’m looking to add friends from around the world to trade, send and receive gifts. I play everyday. Thanks

Actieve player from Netherlands

4169 1484 6248

4936 8923 4346

happy to send gifts to anyone who adds me if i have them. i play pretty much every day.

I’m looking to add friends from around the world to trade, send and receive gifts.
I play everyday. Thanks
I come from Taiwan
Nice to meet u :slight_smile:

8457 4819 3466 !!! 3QQ

Hello Trainers,

Just started my Ripple in time quest, please add me as your friend :slight_smile: it would help me complete the task. Thanks a lot. :slight_smile:image

Add me :wink: 9786 6197 2276


hello guys im new looking for friends can u please add me my code 407069007956

5070 4233 6419

Out of space, sorry…

Country: USA
State: Nebraska

Here are our codes:
2714 1975 5907
5984 3183 0847
9299 2316 3459

I play every day.
Brazil player
6136 1225 3905

new player here from upstate New York. Trying to complete a ripple in time and need to add friends.

please add me 5723 4546 0006

I live next to 3 pokestops so I should always be able to get gifts