Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

3258 5403 4663

I am looking for friends who are able to exchange gifts back! I can send gifts everyday but would like gifts back in exchange.:grin:


Looking for ACTIVE trainers from Overseas to send and recieve gifts daily,can earn distance badge.
If anyone keen, drop your trainer code at the comment below and will add you. :wink:

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please add me!


I am from California, USA. I love making friends around the world. Can you please add me? I love playing pokemon and making friends. I will try to send gifts every day.

My code is 7441 5957 5321


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Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 7869 6192 1811!

4793 5793 8019
it’s my baby account, trying to get the distance medal so i’ll send gifts daily if you will :slight_smile:

7548 6545 6431 - from London.
Need distance eggs and will always send gifts :)))))))

Hi, does anyone want to add me as their friend so i can complete a quest?

My TC IS 4919 9438 1144

Can anyone help us prepare for the upcoming 7 km event with Kangaskhan?
We are from Portugal so our regional is Mr. Mime

Trainer codes:

FilSan 720210788905
FFSal 589602469508

Hello all,

I would like to add you as a friend for daily gift.
my friend’s code: 0893 7983 3225


Thank you. Everybody.

hello everyone would like more friends please send gifts I promise to send everyone to add me
2307 3522 5833

4579 3459 0829

Also looking for gift sending friends.
I’ll send everyday!
South Florida