Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add me if you have a moment could use the help… my friend code is 6957 9234 0410 !

I’m from Portugal, add me
8988 1849 9184

Hi, We’re from Poland. Lvl 39 and 38. Our numbers:
8674 7726 1110
4358 9604 7445

Hi, I’m from Brazil.
6933 9048 0763

Bayern Germany



Add me, will send gifts everyday! From England. :slight_smile:

1439 8161 8633

I’m from Czech Republic and playing every day.

9673 9932 0685

Hej jestem z Polski 107840183200 a to numer mojej dziewczyny 849234536062

Add me GIFT FOR GIFT :))))
3965 2423 8963

Players from Switzerland looking for Australian/NZ players to exchange gifts (eggs at 15000 km+) codes: 9488 4903 1376, 3766 1555 9526, 7528 1182 5794

5889 5815 0938

Hey! I’m from the west coast of Canada, and play daily. Let’s be friends!

:canada: :maple_leaf: :ice_hockey: :deer: :bacon:

5889 5815 0938

From Sydney. Lets play

Add me and I will gift :slight_smile: 8494 7933 1206

Hey you still accepting friend invites PoGO
3711 3792 7154

Enter your code. Then we can friend you.

Add me from Boston daily player

Add my code is 8764 4323 4719

Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 8764 4323 4719!

Hey guys, I’m new to this forum so first off please add my code 8764 4323 4719. I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and I took a long break from Pokémon go only to return to it due to hearing a chatter among my friends which sparked my interest back into it. Please let me know if I am doing this forum stuff right, because I have never been on one of these before.