Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

I started the challenge to reach Lvl40 without catching a Pokémon (except of course the starter Pokémon) or hatching eggs and become as much as possible best friends.
The only way to reach the targets is to interact with a lot of friends all over the world.

For that I‘m searching for very active supporters who will help me to reach this targets. Your only task is to send and open gifts as offen as possible. Just one interaction a day will be enough to reach the targets.

I can‘t do this by my own so please of you would like to join in and be part of my Team, than add my Trainercode: 7723 0266 1785

Thank you very much for your support

Just sent you a request from California.

Sent you a request from California.

My number is: 1229 5933 5997

Sent you a request!

Go ahead and send a request. I’m from Chicago. Happy to exchange gifts daily

My code is 0292 6425 4513

Add me please! :grinning:



I send gift every day so please open it

7678 8761 4340

From Tokyo Japan

2292 7806 8594

Add me
Trainer code: 8098 5251 3673
I will send gifts

3020 7710 2775

8572 0767 9402 my friendship code send gifts everyday please add me


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Come and add me! A friend from Asia, Taipei!!

2292 7806 8594

7764 3099 6185 Is my code I play everyday multiple log ins. I always have more than enough gifts to give. Gary reed to become superfriend rapidly

Add me please. From northeast pa my code is 7764 3099 6185 I play everyday multiple times throughout the day

Here are my codes, active and will send everyday.

0113 7367 6789
9990 6722 3945
2225 7031 0694
4235 0360 4426
8096 2409 4139

From Holland.

Requests sent. GoodTwin10 located in Canada. I also play every day.

2772 9259 4151 Add me please I exchange gifts everyday