Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

please, add me too! I have no friends there and will send gifts from Brazil -> 381909114877


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Hey, i need friend. Please add me : 4566 4584 3687 - Omibbs

I hope can join, im from Indonesia.
Please add me : 4566 4584 3687 - Omibbs

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Add me: 4099 9999 7644
I play daily
From Los Angeles, California

Add my brother: 4982 3781 8142

I am new to the hub. Please add my code And
Send me. Friend requests.



Name: H1ddenWarr1or

Code: 248217197989

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Just added u love



Will be returning gifts in a few, I just ran out! Thank you all for the request I’m getting.

Go add me so we can battle, trade, and send each other gifts :blush: 6826 6918 8248

3009 6631 7071 and 5311 2944 9408

Gifts for gifts, trading, battling, all the good stuff

1450 0519 0167

5222 8546 4251 ~Malaysia

6737 1309 9485

8536 0687 9481

8272 5667 2593
5666 0448 0638

Hi I live in Southern Wisconsin. Feel free to add me and I’ll add you back.

6441 1656 7104

2415 9383 6316 add me please

Please add me. From Indiana. 1860 9979 6557

Got tons of gifts to share! Add me and you´ll be served:

4859 6264 5992

Greetings from Vienna, AUSTRIA!

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