Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

1985 2965 6005 and 2692 8013 2510, I open and send gifts often

Im an active player, I send and open gifts everyday from Mexico.
Also looking to trade regional pokemon.

8748 1974 8376

please, add me too! I have no friends there and will send gifts from Brazil -> 381909114877


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Hey, i need friend. Please add me : 4566 4584 3687 - Omibbs

I hope can join, im from Indonesia.
Please add me : 4566 4584 3687 - Omibbs

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Add me: 4099 9999 7644
I play daily
From Los Angeles, California

Add my brother: 4982 3781 8142

I am new to the hub. Please add my code And
Send me. Friend requests.



Name: H1ddenWarr1or

Code: 248217197989

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Just added u love



Will be returning gifts in a few, I just ran out! Thank you all for the request I’m getting.

Go add me so we can battle, trade, and send each other gifts :blush: 6826 6918 8248

3009 6631 7071 and 5311 2944 9408

Gifts for gifts, trading, battling, all the good stuff

1450 0519 0167

5222 8546 4251 ~Malaysia

6737 1309 9485

8536 0687 9481

8272 5667 2593
5666 0448 0638

Hi I live in Southern Wisconsin. Feel free to add me and I’ll add you back.

6441 1656 7104

2415 9383 6316 add me please